Lead, follow, or get out of the way…



There sure is a lot of posturing going on within the New Hampshire Republican party these days.  "I’m out", then "I’m not sure I’m out", followed by, "have you met my aspiring son?"

Yes, I will say it again – you did a lot for the party over the past 2 years, killing off a lot of debt, and filling the leadership void – good show, excellent job, and thank you very much – sincerely.

But the direction of our state Republican party is now in the mix, Gov. Sununu, and you are playing Jedi mind-tricks, in what appears to be a block-and-parry strategy.

You need to make a decision and be done with it, letting the impending delegates, and the party as a whole, move forward.

As we said in the military, "lead, follow, or get out of the way".  Just pick one, please – we’d prefer that you didn’t mess with us.


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