Fire and Brimstone…and a lot of whining, coming our way


Is this guy REALLY the President of the United States?  He must have gone off the teleprompter for a few minutes, because he started to go all "preacher and hipster" on the audience, throwing good grammar and a focused message out the window.  You can really hear it when he goes there.

Ok, now that I’ve taken a hack at Obama’s brimstone rhetoric, let me talk about his politics – not much of a leap, actually.  He’s struggling, to the point of pulling out his best progressive-reality-spin powers.  And, after the Republican tsunami we’ll see in a few weeks, we should expect the new role of the POTUS to become "crybaby in chief".  Watch for all sorts of creativity.  He’ll be taking all of the Democrat mistakes since 2008, making them the fault of Republicans.  He’ll use ANY trace of association to bash anything that has gone wrong, or will go wrong.

Right now, he’s pointing at Republican actions before his anointing, as sources for current problems.  He has cried about the "obstacles placed in my way" by Congressional Republicans (when his party had complete control of the throttle).  He’s using the "it coulda been worse" tact, taking virtual credit for preventing destruction.

As we go forward, with Republicans taking back some control of the throttle, all the bad that comes from his 2008-2010 debacle will become their fault.  When Republicans (actually, Conservatives) start making the tough decisions to fix this mess, any pain felt by anyone, anywhere, will be Republicans’ fault.

This is typical Liberal consequentialism – no personal accountability, any means to an end, and a double standard to the nth-degree.

&quotThe end excuses any evil&quot – Sophocles, Electra (c 409 B.C.)

This is only the beginning.

It’s going to be a hell of a 2-year period, leading up to 2012, once we politically neuter this complete jackass and wait patiently for the coming Republican inauguration, when we can finally repeal all of his nonsense, and set this country on the right track.


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