Dear WSSU Board Member:
As Members of the Board of Trustees for Winston-Salem State U. you are responsible for the conduct of the staff at that institution.
Your staff there have demonstrated that a taxpayer-funded putative institution of "higher" learning is staffed by a partisan bunch of criminals willing to break the law by sending out emails to faculty, staff and students that they should vote to help the Democrat Party. Not a big surprise, yet it further compels an answer to the question: When are fraudulent indoctrination camps masquerading as objective institutions of open debate and higher learning going to stop their partisan criminal activities?
You have a moral and civic duty to taxpayers paying for WSSU and especially to the vulnerable students attending WSSU to STOP this illegal activity at the college that you oversee, and fire those personally responsible, and then to foster an atmosphere there of non-partisan pursuit of Truth through debate, NOT Stalinist "progressive" indoctrination that eliminates free-speech, open debate and dialogue.
This is both shameful, and ILLEGAL. You are all complicit in allowing this kind of blatant, partisan crime to take place if the people involved are not fired immediately. Over half the population of America hope that the law-enforcement authorities throw the book at WSSU for its most recent crime and assault on democracy and the election process.