It daily becomes increasingly clear that the Republican Party is infested with bedbugs…no…that’s the New York Times. The GOP is infested with RINO’s, "Republicans In Name Only." That is, people who are, first and foremost—to put it delicately—LIARS. Why? Because they tell everyone that they’re "Repuublicans"…and therefore hold "conservative" or "libertarian-conservative" values. Throughout much of the 20th Century, it worked. That’s why most people have seen the national Republican Party as part of the problem, and offering no solutions. The Bush Presidency from 2000 to 2008 just about closed the door on the party. But today Real Republicans are surging back onto the battlefield. And the RINO’s have a problem….
What problem? They’re increasingly being smoked out and exposed in GOP primary elections. Real Republicans, when they lose a primary, generally close ranks behind whoever won the primary election. (Note to RINO’s: You know what an "election" is? Where the people vote for their preferred candidates? And the candidate with the most votes wins and goes on to fight the Democrat in the general election?)
The result is that even with the lying, scummy, leftist-toady mainstream media backing them…RINO’s are losing. This is very good news, both for the Republican Party and for the people of America. Why? Because people who vote for Republicans do so for a reason, and that reason is that they want a real Republican in office, who holds Real Republican values. RINO’s offer only lies that pay lip service to those values.
So what do the fake Republicans do when they’re smoked out and defeated in the primary elections? Why, they take off their cloak-of-Republicanism, stop lying, start whining, come out the closet, and either refuse to endorse the primary winner, run as an independent write-in candidate, or endorse the Democrat in the general election(!).
Exhibit #1? Meet a Real Republican, retired Army Lieutenant Colonel Allen West, candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in Florida’s 22nd Congressional District:
Col. West is about to win in his district, which usually goes Democrat (polls show him now ahead). But here’s what’s interesting in this race: Col. West was challenged in the Republican primary election by someone named David Brady, a fake Republican, or RINO, who has now come out of the closet (so to speak), and endorsed Col. West’s Democrat opponent in the general election, incumbent Rep. Ron Klein (who votes with Nancy Pelosi almost 100% of the time). Heh. Good move, Brady! Another lying RINO unmasked!
As reported by a local TV station, Brady was joined by some other local RINO scum (not to put too fine a point on it), Palm Beach mayor Jack McDonald and Riveria Beach Council Chairman Dawn Pardo, who are so-called "elected local Republicans." Oh please. They are not "Republicans." They are low-life RINO’s.
I have much, much, much more to say about RINO’s—Democrats who run as fake Republicans in order to fool the people into voting for them—including right here in the Free State of New Hampshire! Oh yeah. I’ve got lots to say about that….
But it’ll have to wait. Unlike of the voting base of the Democratic Party, I’ve got a job, I pay taxes, and I’ve got to go to work. More later….