Why Gov. Lynch and the Concord Democrats suck…no, no…I mean, why the Concord Democrats love thieves…no wait….


Andy Sanborn sends along this head-shaker, for which I say thanx:

Gov. Lynch To Business


Let’s Reward Employee Theft!

Governor Lynch says stealing is OK, just don’t take "too" much. No more than, oh, $500 seems reasonable, see?

Here’s the latest law enacted by our Governor and our ship-of-fools Democratic legislature in Concord: They just passed, and Lynch just signed, a law that forces business owners to reward employee theft! Ain’t that grand? What a great idea from the geniuses in Concord!

The new law says that if an employee gets caught stealing $500 or less, and gets fired for it, no problem! The State of New Hampshire will still reward that ex-employee unemployment benefits. That is, the thief gets paid money from…wait for it…the pockets of New Hampshire’s business owners! (That’s where unemployment payments come from, taxes on business.) What a great Democratic idea!

But wait! It gets better! All kinds of stealing is approved: The thief gets unemployment bennies whether he steals from his employer, from a customer, from another employee, or even from a charitable donation jar at the business! This changes the traditional law that employees who get fired for stealing don’t get unemployment. "Can’t have that!" say the Democrats and Gov. Lynch. After all, isn’t "a little stealing" okay? If you keep it under $500? Helllooooo!!! Who ARE these nutcases?

Is anyone really surprised, though? After all, the very foundation of Democratic socialist economics is based on stealing from working people and giving the money to favored friends and companies. I mean, why be surprised? Lynch and the Concord Democrats tried to steal money from New Hampshire’s doctors by making a grab for the JUA Fund. So what’s so surprising about them passing a law that rewards stealing from your employer? Just keep it under $500!

Sheesh. Can we afford to wait till November to throw these idiots out of office?

HAT TIP to the guy and his beautiful wife below for bringing the above to my attention.



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