update: Thank you, Professor Reynolds for the Instalaunche! Welcome to GraniteGrok, folks! We are the rabble rousers here in NH – thanks for stopping by!
1984 has come and gone. And Big Brother is watching every move you make. But so what? That’s not even always bad. Know why? Because We the People are watching right back. And that’s even better. A growing consensus is emerging amongst newly energized liberty activists fighting against the socialist takeover of America: It’s time to get a (relatively inexpensive) pocket video camera, and don’t go anywhere without it. Especially when engaging in anti-socialist activism. Why? Glad you ask. Here’s exactly why. Read it and heed it.
Prof. Glenn Reynolds over at Instapundit is a leader in urging liberty activists to buy and use small video cameras. Here’s a recent discussion on the subject from Instapundit:
Your most recent post over the weekend about portable video finally pushed me to order that Flip MiniHD I’ve been considering. I got one (2nd Gen 120 min model) for $178.00.
Indeed. And small video cameras are essential Tea Party equipment, necessary to beat back bogus charges from dishonest critics . . . .
UPDATE: Reader John Kranz emails:
Posted at 6:34 pm by Glenn Reynolds
Read and heed, everyone! The socialists and fascists of the left and their media-liar enablers are extremely dangerous (but I repeat myself: Fascists are socialists). Neutralize them by recording them: It destroys their ability to lie. And, lest we forget an important and simple truth, remember this: The foundation of all forms of socialism and statism is lying falsehood. Don’t forget it. And don’t forget to bring your pocket video recorder! —Tim Condon