What’s that word that the Lefties love? Oh yeah, sustainability. This ain’t it

Ann Marie Banfield

Does Obama (being a Progressive) really think that the masses are as dumb as most Progressives believe them to be?  Did he really believe that his "float this idea" was really going to rise to proclamations by Conservatives and TEA Party folks?

Er, is he really believing that he is economically reality based?  Certainly not by this:

Part Of Fed Budget For Freeze

It seems that Obama really believes that what is going on over "here" will distract us from what he is really doing over "there".  Unfortunately since we have learned that ALL of his campaign promises have expiration dates, we’re watching as hard and as well as possible – and that with a jaded eye. 

When this grand pronouncement says a "spending freeze" is issued, but the details show it only covers 13.5% of the budget, that’s hitting the fly instead of shooing the tiger out of the parlor room – the danger is not stopping the $15 billion but refusing to acknowledge that the problem is elsewhere.

Here’s what POLITICIANS of all stripes try to divert you from when they start talking about discretionary vs non-discretionary spending – and those "classifications" are by law.

Then ask them this: "er, who wrote the laws?  Yeah, you did, you chucklehead!  Now, when are you going to do the HARD work we elected you to do and CHANGE that spending law?"

After all, they created the law that spends our money – don’t let them off the hook when you demand that they CHANGE their own laws!

And again, that proposed ‘bipartisan deficit committee" idea?  Tell your CongressCritter / Senator that no, you don’t want that – we ELECTED you to make the hard decisions.

If they won’t, I certainly put my hand up to make it for them!

(H/T: NRO for the graphic)

More graphics from USA Today:


Fed Entitlements Per Year

Think the wealth is NOT already being redistributed?  Again, look at that 2010 number and think – the Boomers (er, I’m in that group) are JUST starting to retire.  Ask youself – do you REALLY think that Entitlement Spending is REALLY going to be sustainable?



  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at: banfieldannmarie@gmail.com

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