Several libertarian-types I know have unhappily pointed out that Scott Brown in Massachusetts supported then-Gov. Mitt Romney’s state-level socialized medicine scheme when it was passed. “What’s the point?” they say. If Brown supported socialized medicine in Massachusetts, he may well support some type of socialized medicine in the U.S. Senate. Happily, I have the solution to such misgivings. As noted in the Massachusetts race, Coakley is so awful that she must be defeated at any cost, no matter how bad Brown might (or might not!) turn out to be.
Now, here’s what we Real Republicans do: After Brown wins in Massachusetts in a few days (with the votes of both conservative Republicans and Democrats), we watch his voting record. No more talking a BS line to the “rubes back home,” and then voting another way in DC. Those days are gone forever. If Brown turns out to get bad scores with American for Tax Reform, the National Taxpayers Union, the Club for Growth, et al., then conservative Republicans in Massachusetts (and elsewhere) simply move to recruit a Real Republican candidate to run against Brown in the nextprimary, knock him off, and go on to win the general election with a Real Republican, not a RINO. Simple! And a pattern that can be replicated throughout America as we work to cleanse the Republican Party of the corrupt political class that has decided to live off of it.
However, I don’t think that will be necessary. Politicians are known for changing their stripes. And it doesn’t take a weatherman to tell which way the wind is blowing in America today. That means that Brown may well turn out to be a great vote in the Senate, and be very supportive of real conservative principles. For a long time, people have thought the way to get elected was to act like a liberal statist, and to a certain degree that was true, especially as long as the mainstream media maintained a lock on information-dissemination. However, now that the results of liberal statist policies are “coming home to roost” (to quote Obama’s Reverend of 20 years, Jeremiah Wright), we are witnessing a massive swing of the electorate in the conservative/libertarian direction. That is, today the way to get elected is not to “reach across the aisle” or “compromise” in order to ape the Democrats. The way to get elected is by being a strong, consistent, principled conservative.
As this plays out—as the Republican party becomes more and more a real alternative to the more-openly-socialist Democratic Party, and as it becomes purged of the corruption of the political class (aka RINO’s)—the GOP will become an ever-greater magnet for people of all walks of life, including working class Democrats. Why? Because conservative policy prescriptions “work.” They are the way back to a better, healthier, wealthier economy, country, and people. We just need to bypass the government toadies in the mainstream media. But that’s become easy. That’s why God gave us the Internet, talk radio, and Fox News Channel.
Cross-posted at RedState