The day of reckoning is here. For Al Gore, that is. After the passage of several years, and many showings to school children and non-thinking adults, the propaganda film "An Inconvenient Truth" is finally meeting its match: the TRUTH. Thanks to journalist/filmaker Phelim McAleer, (who appeared as a guest on this week’s MTNP Radio) the lies and deceptions that make up the movie and the global warming movement it supports will get laid bare for the world to see in his new movie, Not Evil, Just Wrong, which makes its world premiere tonight. According to a synopsis on the film’s website,
Global warming alarmists want Americans to believe that humans are killing the planet. But Not Evil Just Wrong, a new documentary by Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney, proves that the only threats to America (and the rest of the world) are the flawed science and sky-is-falling rhetoric of Al Gore and his allies in environmental extremism.
The film drives home the realities of that extremism. "Turn off your lights. Turn off your heat when you get cold. Turn off your air when you get hot," one man on the street says. "And then think about that."
Not Evil Just Wrong warns Americans that their jobs, modest lifestyles and dreams for their children are at stake. Industries that rely on fossil fuels will be crippled if the government imposes job-killing regulations on an economy already mired in recession.
The damage that would be wrought is unjustified by the science. Not Evil Just Wrong exposes the deceptions that experts, politicians, educators and the media have been force-feeding the public for years. Man-made pollution is not melting the polar icecaps. The ocean will not rise 20 feet in a flash. And the only polar bears dying because of man are the ones who try to eat men.
McAleer and McElhinney debunk what for a time was the environmental movement’s most powerful weapon of disinformation, the infamous "hockey stick" graph that attributed a supposedly unique burst of warming in the 20th century to humans. They also shatter the myth that the hottest years in the United States were 1998 and 2006. The hottest year was 1934, and the hottest decade was the 1930s — when there were half as many people and no SUVs or jumbo jets.
Sadly, though, we know that fact and reality don’t often come into the picture for the global warming believers. Hopefully, this film will help those who have fallen into the trap laid by the enviro-marxists by helping them grasp the actual truth of what’s going on, and being perpetrated on our country in the name of "saving the planet."
I will be joining our friends from the Josiah Bartlett Center at the Draft in Concord for a screening of the film, along with many tens of thousands of people throughout the country. In fact, the film’s makers are hoping to set a new record for a simultaneous screening of a movie premiere. With over 6,000 screenings planned in some 27 countries, they just might achieve that goal. In addition to the Concord screening, there are some 6 or 7 others here in NH, including one hosted by the Young Republicans at UNH. If you cannot get out to one of the screenings, there are now at least two places where you can view the movie tonight for free over the Internet: Big Hollywood ( and the American Family Association (
Hopefully, the truth will now begin to set us free from the clutches of AlGore and his fellow global warming chicken littles and put an end to the economic destruction that will be the ultimate result should these people get their way…