Poor guy, who's he gonna call? The cops? - Granite Grok

Poor guy, who’s he gonna call? The cops?

 good cop? sure

Regular readers know that here at the ‘Grok, we believe that transparency in government is of paramount importance– in ALL levels of government. Because one cannot fight or alter basic human nature, whenever power is given to anyone in government, it must be closely watched, lest it get abused. And, based upon observing events through the years, this is especially true when it comes to law enforcement. Like all professions, you know there is a percentage of bad apples within their ranks. Don’t get me wrong- while I appreciate the fact that they put their lives on the line on a daily basis, and MOST are fine upstanding people, the fact remains is that cops have been given a tremendous amount of power— even to kill. And it is for that reason, we must hold them to the highest level of adherence to the law and the rules. Otherwise, things like this can happen. Or, this:


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