Starting Saturday morning at 9 am!

As usual, this week’s broadcast version of GraniteGrok and Now! brings an array of items and guests for your consideration– ALL STARTING AT 9AM! As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and analytical skills of Skip, if you are beyond the broadcast area of Newstalk 1490 WEMJ, simply click here for instructions on how to connect and listen on the Internet via livestream. (Podcasts here)
For the first portion of the program, we are pleased to welcome several area bloggers and friends into the studio for a free-wheeling roundtable discussion about many of the issues of the day and, well, whatever interests us.
Chan Eddy AKA "DCE"of the Weekend Pundit
Lori Ingham of ConChrist
Jorge Mesa Tejada– our mentor.
Skip Murphy of GraniteGrok
Doug Lambert of GraniteGrok
Topics will include:
The Obama Administration, Chrysler, and that pesky thing called the Constitution. Was I the only one rattled when I read the headline on Drudge and elsewhere: "Obama orders Chrysler to slash advertising budget in half"?
Flip Flop Lynch. Lynch the Flinch. Liar. There are many words to describe the Governor with regards to his position on gay marriage as announced late this week. In true Lynch fashion, he tries to have his cake & eat it too. Are triad marriages next?
- Free Chicken? Good luck!
- Saul Alinski is all the rage these days. I was at a meeting of conservative activists recently, and a copy of "Rules for Radicals" was on the table. Fight fire with fire, I say!
- Speaking of fighting, the world– and, additionally, the Republican Party— needs more great men like Dick Cheney.
- And then, the founder of the grass roots group STEWARDofProsperity will join the gang in studio…
When Fred Tausch decided to create a movement to "fight reckless spending and massive deficits" and to "raise awareness of the problems with President Obama’s stimulus package" which has since become law, he wasn’t kidding. In addition to newpaper, radio, and a very respectable Internet presence, STEWARD is getting to the folks via the US Mail with these eye-catching, informative pieces. What makes this story even more interesting is the fact that Fred Tausch– a citizen and concerned taxpayer from Nashua, NH– supported Barack Obama for President in 2008!
Said Fred in a statement on economic news Friday,
“Reports of the ballooning federal deficit and reckless government borrowing, coupled with the rapid destabilization of the nation’s two most important safety net programs, should sound alarm bells for taxpayers across the Granite State.
Our representatives can no longer hope to tax, borrow and spend their way to economic stability. They must take control of the nation’s fiscal situation and make the difficult choices necessary to leave the country on sound economic footing for our children and grandchildren.
Unfortunately, it seems solving this crisis will require the sort of realistic, long-term financial planning the Democrats in Congress and the Obama Administration have proven incapable of conducting.”
Social Security & Medicare– broke sooner than expected?
- And of course,
===============>>Your calls are encouraged at 603 527 1490.
It all starts at 9AM EST Saturday. Tune in if you’re in Central NH at NewsTalk 1490AM WEMJ or live on the ‘Net here… This is not your Poppy’s radio show. You won’t need to wedge toothpicks into your eyelids to stay awake here!