MTNP Radio. The Tea Party Continues…


Tea Party Sign

Starting Saturday morning at 9 am!

Meet the New Press

As usual, this week’s broadcast version of GraniteGrok and Now! brings an array of items and guests for your consideration– ALL STARTING AT 9AM! As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and analytical skills of Skip, if you are beyond the broadcast area of Newstalk 1490 WEMJ, simply click here for instructions on how to connect and listen on the Internet via livestream. (Podcasts here)

  • Liz Mair checks in to discuss the meaning of the Tea Parties from a national point of view. Are they significant? Were the organized by some shadowy group or groups? Were the Republicans behind it all? Skip and I were involved with the Manchester Party from the get go, and, we know all the players and orgs involved. Nothing but "grass roots" here…

  • Doug and Skip continue the Tea Party discussion. It is, after all, the spending, stupid!

  • How about those greedy SOB’s, eh? No more easy money for the fat cats! The Magic Obama and his comrades in Congress are gonna see to that. My wife stumbled across this story about the new MLK memorial in Washington, DC. Guess who’s looking to turn more than a few bucks off of the name of the man with a dream? The National Park Service says they’ve never seen anything like this before. Let’s listen for the media-led outrage… Are those cricket chirps I hear?

  • Stimulus? 9 miles of resurfaced road? I still say we continue to waste and squander highway money. Grant Bosse, the NH Watchdog, had an excellent Youtube report on stimulus, NH style. Did you know that there’s dough comin’ for high speed trains? Nationwide!! Aren’t you excited? Pay no attention to the cost…

  • Lynn Savage is the mother of Cpl. Matthew Stanley of Wolfeboro, who gave our Nation his life in the ultimate sacrifice in 2006. This gives her the bittersweet "honor" of being a Gold Star Mother. This Sunday is NH Gold Star Mothers Day. We all join together in making sure that our brave fallen and their families are not forgotten. Lynn is the VP of the NH Gold Star Mothers.

  • John Randall, eCampaign Director, National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC). Prior to returning to the NRCC in January, he was the Online Communications Manager for the National Republican Senatorial Committee. We’ll discuss what some are calling "the new wedge issue" in the culture wars: parental rights. Do we want the UN determining what’s best for America’s children? Some believe such moves pose threats to the ability and right of parents to homeschool their children. Yikes! We’ll also analyze Congressman Paul Hodes’ statement that the stimulus monies are just a "down payment on the American dream." Double-YIKES!!!Surprised 

  • This is it! It’s down to the wire with the NH Senate District 3 special election taking place this Tuesday. Republican candidate Jeb Bradley joins us for one last pitch for votes. His opponent, "Bathroom Both Way Bud" Martin must be kept from winning. With all the silliness emanating from Concord these days, he’s the last person we need down there. Jeb will serve the people well. He’ll make the case.


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