MTNP Radio: Leading the charge…


Starting Saturday morning at 9 am!

Meet the New Press

As usual, this week’s broadcast version of GraniteGrok and AnkleBitingPundits brings an array of items and guests for your consideration– ALL STARTING AT 9AM! As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and analytical skills of Skip, if you are beyond the broadcast area of Newstalk 1490 WEMJ, simply click here for instructions on how to connect and listen on the Internet via livestream. (Podcasts here)

  • As noted here, Jeb Bradley is doing the state and the NHGOP a huge service by stepping up to the plate for the run for the senate seat in NH District 3. His opponent is a flaming liberal that believes expanded government is the end all and be all to everything. Haven’t we had enough of THAT, lately? Jeb joins us for an update on the short campaign.

  • Matt Murphy of the NH Advantage Coalition checks in to bring listeners up to date on a variety of topics. Included will be the cap and trade snowjob, a NH "tea party", the spending cap votes at NH Town Meetings, as well as pretend government outrage over AIG bonuses protected by the porkulus bill they never read but signed. We’ll also learn about the "Republican Report."

  • Stimulus money comes to the Lakes Region to fund WHAT?! What a waste. What a shame!

 “No matter how hard the Democrats try to sound like they have a constructive energy policy, their actions prove they are anti-energy, anti-growth and anti-jobs. The repeated attempts by the House and Senate liberals to force the Merrimack Station Power Plant out of business are perfect examples of the radical and destructive agenda that has been adopted by the New Hampshire Democrat Party. Their actions should serve as a clear indicator for anyone who doubted that the Democrat leadership supports the debilitation of the traditional power sources that supply the majority of New Hampshire residents with cheap and efficient energy.

 “This effort to shutter the Merrimack Station is part of a larger effort by the national Democrat Party to abandon our domestic coal as a principal supply of energy."

We’ll also get his take on Carol Shea Porter’s decision NOT to take on Paul Hodes in a primary for the upcoming US Senate race.

  • And of course, ===============>> Your calls are encouraged at 603 527 1490.

It all starts at 9AM EST Saturday. Tune in if you’re in Central NH at NewsTalk 1490AM WEMJ or live on the ‘Net here… This is not your Poppy’s radio show. You won’t need to wedge toothpicks into your eyelids to stay awake here!



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