Starting Saturday morning at 9 am!
As usual, this week’s broadcast version of GraniteGrok and AnkleBitingPundits brings an array of items and guests for your consideration– ALL STARTING AT 9AM! As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and analytical skills of Skip, if you are beyond the broadcast area of Newstalk 1490 WEMJ, simply click here for instructions on how to connect and listen on the Internet via livestream. (Podcasts here)
All we do is try to share what we know with others. Who knew we’d find ourselves in the eye of a storm over our simple recounting of NH Senate District 3 Democrat candidate "Bathroom" Bud Martin’s record while serving as a judge on the NH bench? It seems the Dems are somewhat uncomfortable with defending their champion’s record, choosing instead to shed crocodile tears and crying "foul." Well, we cry "foul" when it comes to Martin and his liberal ways.
Steve DeMaura is the president of Americans for Job Security. We’ll discuss that group’s recent ads featuring two of the leading characters in the present fiscal disaster: Timothy Geithner and Senator Dodd, and their call for the former to be replaced, and the latter to step aside. We’ll find out the reasons why they did this, and how it relates to saving jobs. We’ll also get an update on EFCA, AKA "card check."
Obama YouthGive/Serve program and the ongoing campaign to "sell" the president’s budget to the American people is unprecedented in American politics. We’ll discuss the tactics and Skip will recount his discussion with one of the Obama footsoldiers last weekend at the peacenik rally. As I commented in this week’s National Journal bloggers poll on the subject, "I continue to marvel at the ongoing campaign-like tactics being employed by the Obama machine. Like it or not, it helps him get his way. If only the conservatives could build such a structure…" -
Skip Reilly of Skip’s Gun & Sport Shop in Bristol, NH checks in to set the record straight on a couple of issues of interest to those that care about the 2nd Amendment. First, contrary to what some might have us think, there is no way that law-abiding Americans and gun dealers are supplying arms in great numbers to Mexican thugs. He’ll describe the process and hoops through which one must jump to export firearms. He’ll also reveal the change in rules that has greatly added to the cost of any international trades of firearms. We’ll also discuss Obama’s education leader’s antigun record, and what might be in store for the Nation’s students. After all, if you’re going to disarm an entire country, you have to start young, and brainwash the kids… It may take a while, but it’s the only way. Lastly, we’ll also discuss Congressman Paul Hodes’ surprising stand on the assault weapons ban. Who knew? 65 of them actually submitted a strong letter to Holder defending the Second Amendment. Who said all Democrats are fools? Some, obviously get it on this issue.
And of course,
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