Tea-Time on Meet the New Press radio. Tea PARTY time, that is…


We’re mad as heck and we’re not gonna take it any more!

tea party

Starting Saturday morning at 9 am!

Meet the New Press

As usual, this week’s broadcast version of GraniteGrok and AnkleBitingPundits brings an array of items and guests for your consideration– ALL STARTING AT 9AM! As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and analytical skills of Skip, if you are beyond the broadcast area of Newstalk 1490 WEMJ, simply click here for instructions on how to connect and listen on the Internet via livestream. (Podcasts here)

  • Paul Punturieri has been a resident of Moultonboro for the past 6 years. Prior to that he lived and worked in Saudi Arabia in the healthcare sector for a number of years. He is a core member of the Moultonboro Citizens Alliance (MCA), a local citizen’s group that promotes openeness and transparency in local governement. Politically he is a "self proclaimed moderate with a slight rightward list."  While the MCA might hail from one of the Granite State’s smaller populated towns, they made their presence felt this week down in Concord in a BIG way.

As reported in this prior post, an area "Republican" sponsored a series of onerous law changes designed to thwart or diminish the powers of local government: HB114 that will gut the ability of SB2 towns to change warrants at their deliberative sessions.  Another, HB72, makes it harder to allow citizens to ask for secret ballot voting on certain items during a Town Meeting / Deliberative Session by raising the number of signers needed to request this from five (5) to fifty (50).  If you have EVER been at a Town Meeting, you know this will effectively eliminate the ability citizens the option to cast their votes privately.  It also forces a change for a request for a recount from five (5) to twenty-five (25) voters. The third government-friendly bill offered by state representative Betsy Patten (R-Moultonboro) is HB71, which will allow town officials to bond TEN TIMES the present amount they are allowed now without being required to hold a public hearing.

Enter the activists of the MCA. With members speaking at public hearings held in Concord this week, well, lets just say Ms. Patten’s proposals were given the thorough negative reception they so richly deserved. The MCA efforts– brought together thanks to the quick and coordinated actions of its members– show what a dedicated group of activists can achieve. Mr. Punturieri will detail the efforts.

  • As noted in this previous posting, Vietnam Veteran era (Navy) and loyal Pease Greeter Jack Kimball sent a passionate email about a new and insidious phenomena occuring recently throughout the US– INCLUDING HERE IN NH:
As I explained last night, after Greeting the Troops, I have found out that there have been very large Pro Hamas, Anti-Israeli Rallies all over our country.  Some of them turned violent. The key point here is that we now have an element in this country that is not afraid to demonstrate their Anti Americanism as well as their support for terrorist organizations such as Hamas. 

This is the kind of stuff that our kids are learning in US colleges all over the country and it cannot go unchallanged. 

We have the responsibility to fight the good fight at home while our wonderful troops are fighting the other fight, overseas.  Imagine what they must think when they see this garbage going on in our own country.  What they really need to see is that we are doing something abut it.  So, if any of you have video cameras, please bring them a take some video of our group during the counter rally and get it up on YouTube.

And indeed, we will have Jack on to discuss the counter demonstration rally that is to take place in Durham Center from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM this coming Sunday. Jack, like me, and I’m sure many of you, is rightfully angry that, given the events of September 11, and the price paid by our brave soldiers in the fighting since, people would have the gall to march and openly demonstrate in FAVOR of terrorists. We’ll also talk a bit about the troops he greets at Pease, and what he thinks is coming down the pike, given some recent danger signs most people probably gave scant attention…

  • All politics is local… Even though we may discuss several items specific to Gilford with our friend and fellow GilfordGrok blogger Terry Stewart, you should note that what’s happening here could (or maybe SHOULD) be happening where you live. We’ll cover the wrap of the budget season for the budget committee and the Town and School District. What was achieved and what was missed. And now, once again, the blog has caused a stir among some of the locals. For them, there’s waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much free speech going on around here! It seems that the tax and spend crowd doesn’t like it when their ways are exposed.

  • Are there any Republicans left in the US Senate these days? How can it be that Hillary Clinton can sail through the appointment hearings with nary a peep from "our side"? Why shouldn’t we be upset that someone that "didn’t know" he had to pay income taxes for 4 to six years is now slated to head the IRS… yes THAT IRS? Arrghh!

  • And of course, ===============>> Your calls are encouraged at 603 527 1490.

It all starts at 9AM EST Saturday. Tune in if you’re in Central NH at NewsTalk 1490AM WEMJ or live on the ‘Net here… This is not your Poppy’s radio show. You won’t need to wedge toothpicks into your eyelids to stay awake here!


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