Follow the law, or avoid a real mess? Left and Right Bloggers weigh in on seating Burris


Regarding the ongoing controversy surrounding Harry Reid’s refusal to seat Illinois Gov. Blago’s Senate pick, check out the latest  National Journal poll of left and right bloggers. It’s rather interesting that a larger percentage of those identified as "right-leaning" answered "yes" to the question

Should the Senate seat Roland Burris?

One particpating "right-leaner" you might recognize Wink wrote

"If one believes in the concept of ‘states’ rights’ within the context of a ‘United States,’ then a governor is and must be relatively sovereign, in the absence of a crime. With the special prosecutor playing his hand too soon, while a crime was discussed, it appears it went uncommitted."

The righties answered 78% in the affirmative versus the lefties at 56%. Does this mean that the right generally has a clearer understanding of the language of the law and the real relationships that make up our legal governmental body? Or does it simply mean the left smells bad PR and wants to avoid that, law or no? That’s my read, based on participant Dean Barker’s (of BlueHampshire fame) comment:

"It’s impossible for this appointment to be legitimate under the circumstances, so the Senate should flex whatever procedural muscle they have to prevent it."

Either way, the newly minted Democratic control of all the branches of government looks like it might be off to a somewhat rocky start. Could it be time, already, to break out the popcorn? So soon… who knew? Silly– we knew!




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