Meet the New Press radio. Trying to make sense of it all…


Is it over?

Capt America

Is it really the end of the line for America?

John Belushi

"Over? Did you say ‘over’? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!"

No! It’s not over till WE say it’s over!

Starting Saturday morning at 9 am!

Pat Hynes.mic.Skip Murphy.mic.Doug Lambert
             .Pat Hynes                                  Skip Murphy                                  Doug Lambert

As usual, this week’s broadcast version of GraniteGrok and AnkleBitingPundits brings an array of items and guests for your consideration– ALL STARTING AT 9AM! As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and analytical skills of Skip, if you are beyond the broadcast area of Newstalk 1490 WEMJ, simply click here for instructions on how to connect and listen on the Internet via livestream. (Podcasts here)

  • Our friends at Granite Staters for Employee Freedom (GSEF) — a group seeking to educate people on the dangers of passing the so-call "card check" legislation, the deceptively-named Employee Free Choice Act  (EFCA) doing away with secret ballot voting on the question whether or not to unionize– have discovered a few interesting facts as they go about their work. Matt Murphy and Brink Slattery drop by the studio to tell us what it was like as they encountered union thugs at Carol Shea Porter and Jeanne Shaheen campaign events.
    • As reported in this prior post, some of the more blatantly activist union members, among the most enthusiastic supporters of Jeanne Shaheen– who favors EFCA– clearly misunderstand the implications of what the law will do. When confronted and questioned about the ability to vote in secret versus in view of everybody, the union guys apparently still favor some option of secrecy. Don’t they understand, their candidate will take this right away?
    • In his endorsement of Jeanne Shaheen the Head of the IAFF mentioned the Manchester Spending Cap. Could that be the reason this was kept off the November ballot?
    • The NH SEIU sent out information in its newsletter to their members with the names of our steering committee members and attacking that right wing organization the NH Business and Industry Association. If this is how they treat people that oppose them in a debate imagine how they would treat employees who refused to sign a card…

  • GraniteGrok has posted a number of articles recently involving law enforcement officers, agencies, and the use of power here in the Granite State. We’ll review the various stories and explain that, while we always appreciate their bravery and the work they do in general, we get worried about the consequences when too much power is combined with too little oversight. When you add the notion that they can do no wrong and get away with things ordinary people do not, a glaring double standard begins to appear. It is up to citizens, ultimately, to check excessive power, especially when the politicians don’t…

  • Frequent MTNP guest Jen Rubin contributes to the American Spectator, Human Events, Commentary’s Contentions blog, along with a host of other excellent magazines, websites, and news organizations. Rush Limbaugh mentioned her yesterday on his program. We’ll discuss the financial crisis and some of the shenanigans going on in the halls of Congress as they work to "solve" things. Meanwhile, Senator Joe Biden and the rest of his comrades heap earmarks in a $630 billion spending bill being wrapped up. Can you believe it? And naturally, we’ll discuss the presidential debate. Does she think McCain was right in "suspending" his campaign this week to deal with the fiscal crisis?

  • Doug and Skip will continue the discussion. At the time it was announced, Doug thought the McCain campaign suspension was a good idea. Skip didn’t. A few days on, where do we stand now?

  • We’ll give our take on the fiscal crisis and the bailout plan.

  • MTNP goes to the movies! We’ll discuss this week’s opening of An American Carol and the interesting distribution of the film "Obsession" and who’s not too happy about it.

  • We’ll also cover a couple of local issues as well. And of course, your calls are encouraged at 603 527 1490.

Wow! It all starts at 9AM EST Saturday. Tune in if you’re in Central NH at NewsTalk 1490AM WEMJ or live on the ‘Net here… The best radio (in our humble opinions) anywhere…


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