New Hampshire Primary Tuesday September 9th

Starting Saturday morning at 9 am!

As usual, this week’s broadcast version of GraniteGrok and AnkleBitingPundits brings an array of items and guests for your consideration– ALL STARTING AT 9AM! As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and analytical skills of Skip, if you are beyond the broadcast area of Newstalk 1490 WEMJ, simply click here for instructions on how to connect and listen on the Internet via livestream. (Podcasts here)
Jeb Bradley is working doubletime in his quest for the opportunity to run against Carol Shea Porter in the November election. The primary battle between him and his opponent has certainly been one to watch. With a series of debates, neither Republican candidate has shirked from the fight. Of course, Skip and I feel that at the end of the day, only Jeb Bradley has what it takes to defeat the cider-sipping, anti-war, peacenik-loving Shea Porter in November. Jeb joins us in studio to give us his thoughts on energy, events in Georgia and Russia, the economy, and anything else that comes up. This is his last pitch to voters before the head to the ballot box Tuesday. Feel free to call in and ask him anything…
Our buddy John Hawkins of RightWingNews (RWN) & the Conservative Grapevine joins us for a wrap on the two conventions and what he sees for the sprint to the finish line at the November elections. The first place I ever heard of Sarah Palin was at RWN, where she always ended up on the various blogger lists and polls. Is it just me, or is there more excitement than what we’ve seen in many years on the GOP side? How is Mrs Palin handling the media so far? John thinks, so far, so good.
The story of the young couple stopped at a sobriety checkpoint last weekend in Auburn, as recounted in this post, was also featured in my weekly column in the Laconia Daily Sun. As promised, we have the passenger from the incident in studio, along with well-known DWI attorney Mark Stevens, who will give us his thoughts on whether the actions of the Auburn police last Friday evening pass muster. (Check out Mr. Stevens’ blog here.) My gut tells me what the Auburn cops did to two young people last Friday evening was very wrong and out of line. We’ll see if Mr. Stevens agrees.
Wednesday’s Laconia Daily Sun reported that former County Administrator/ Finance Director Nancy Cook, with a salary of $93,000, has been charged with the theft of over $40,000 by writing checks to cash for personal use. The story (posted here by Skip) notes that Belknap County Commissioner Philip “Bud” Daigneault “said the alleged thefts occurred over two years, 2006 and 2007.” Former Laconia Mayor Thomas A Tardif –known to ‘Grok readers because of his involvment with various Right to Know law actions, and the victory at the NH Supreme Court resulting in the removal of the illegally appointed sheriff– is involved in a heated primary battle for the GOP nomination for county commissioner. "Look, it’s no secret the county has problems," announced the County Convention chair at a meeting some time back. We agree. That’s why we’re trying to help Tom beat his opponent, who happens to be the chair of the county Republicans– who sat by and did nothing as the county’s government went to hell in a handbasket…
2nd Congressional GOP candidate Grant Bosse will discuss his ongoing campaign as it heads into the final few days before Tuesday’s vote. Endorsed by the ‘Grok, this not-so longshot candidate has left more than one person with a better than expected assessment following the chance to meet or hear him. "He’s remarkably good on the stump," said one insider to me some time back during a phone conversation. In addition to his stances on all of the important issues of the day, Skip and I really like his embrace of the New Media and his ability to get the most bang for the campaign buck. "I might be outspent, but I won’t be outworked," said Grant at the CNHT picnic in July. We’ll get an update on his 50 Days, Fifty Ways to Cut Spending plan. The Union Leader, while not endorsing him, said "Grant Bosse, former aide to Sen. John Sununu, has an impressive political mind. He would make an excellent repr
esentative one day. " We disagree— That day is NOW! -
Our friend and fellow local blogger DCE, AKA "Chan" AKA the Weekend Pundit fills in for Pat this week performing cohost duties, as we offer our expanded, pre-NH primary program…
It all starts at 9AM EST Saturday. Tune in if you’re in Central NH at NewsTalk 1490AM WEMJ or live on the ‘Net here… The best radio (in our humble opinions) anywhere…