Weekend Schedule: CNHT Picnic, NO MTNP Radio, Celebrate America



As we continue to celebrate America’s Independence, please note Meet the New Press radio is taking the weekend off. Really, as much as we think we’re worth a couple of hours of your time every Saturday, who wants to spend Independence weekend near the radio when there’s so much celebrating to be done?

Instead, the ‘Grok gang is packing up and hitting the road Saturday. Along with many of our fellow Granite State activists, we’ll be heading to the Hopkinton Fairgrounds to attend the annual Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers picnic, which remains among the most important events of the year for the grassroots network seeking to preserve our beloved New Hampshire Advantage. We look forward to chatting with many of our friends and fellow conservatives from throughout the state and encourage ‘Grok readers to join us in attending. Click here for directions to the event.

See you there!

Meet the New Press will return next Saturday at 9AM. Check GraniteGrok Friday evening for the schedule and links.




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