Starting Saturday morning at 9 am!

As usual, this week’s broadcast version of GraniteGrok and AnkleBitingPundits brings an array of items and guests for your consideration– ALL STARTING AT 9AM! As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and analytical skills of Skip, if you are beyond the broadcast area of Newstalk 1490 WEMJ, simply click here for instructions on how to connect and listen on the Internet via livestream. (Podcasts here)
Ron Planting is an economist and "manager of statistics" with the American Petroleum Institute (API). During our brief chat, he will explain the "use it or lose it" laws regarding energy leasing.
Paul Jacob is a Senior Advisor at the Sam Adams Alliance. An acclaimed multi-media commentator, Paul hosts an online, radio, and print opinion program, Common Sense, which reaches a growing list of over 15,000 e-mail subscribers and is aired daily by more than 150 stations in 48 states. Currently, Paul writes a weekly column for, and his work has also been featured in USA Today, The New York Daily News, Roll Call, The Washington Times, and The Chicago Tribune. He has appeared on Fox News, CNN’s “Inside Politics,” NBC’s “Today Show” and ABC’s “Nightline.” *** Paul joins us to discuss, among other things, charity, big government style, as offered up by Barack Obama under the banner of "service." He’ll also reveal his "Hitchiker’s Guide to High Gas Prices," in which he says, "Don’t Panic!"
Grant Bosse, candidate for the Republican nomination in NH’s 2nd CD, checks in to discuss the ongoing flap between his and the Horn campaign regarding FEC filings and campaign funding. Grant will also talk up his 50 Days, Fifty Ways to Cut Spending plan.
Tammy Simmons is the Executive Director of the New Hampshire Advantage Coalition (NHAC). We’ll chat about the progress the group is making as they seek to help various communities with chartered forms of government adopt spending caps as a means to control local spending. One city has now turned in the required signatures. Will the rest follow suit? How important is this in the fight to save our beloved "Advantage" in the face of the continued spending onslaught brought upon us by Democrat rule?