Guest Blog Post: NOW WHAT??? Beauty and the Beast




By Karen Testerman

With the apparent nominations for the President of the United States final, the question in the minds of many is “Now what?”  We watched as the candidate of our choosing moved out of the final picture.  So, as some have said, “here we are again having to choose between the lesser of two evils.”  However, let’s really look at the candidates from the two major parties.

On one hand, we have Senator Barak Obama from Illinois, a good looking, young black man of mixed ethnic background.  A junior senator, he’s articulate, energetic with a winning smile.  He’s befriending the “right” people and building his coalition. 

From the other side we have Senator John McCain from Arizona, a former prisoner of war with obvious battle injuries, an “old white guy” with a long service record not only in the military, but in the U.S. Senate.  On first glance he doesn’t “wow” the crowds.

However, as Nicole C. Mullins relates in her song, “Color is skin deep, true beauty lives on and on.”  So does it really?  Let’s look beyond the surface of these two men and the picture that the media paints.

The inner qualities of the person who fills the position of President of the United States matter.  That person will set policies that affect you and me through the quality of the persons they present for approval to fill various positions of national leadership.   One of those primary vacancies that likely will be afforded the next President is in the Supreme Court of the United States.

Strict constructionist judges will fulfill the duty of interpreting the Constitution of the United States, not to impose legislation from the bench.  Do you realize how the decisions of these justices affect your daily life?

Three decisions in particular should be considered.  The recent 5-4 decision granting foreign nationals access to the habeas corpus privilege guaranteed citizens of this country, the 5-4 decision that returned the NH Parental Notification law to the lower courts for process, and the decision removing abortion from state jurisdiction throughout the United States. 

Life is a fundamental right upon which this country was founded, identified in the Declaration of Independence.  If you have children, you have basic implied constitutional rights as a parent, and if you are a citizen of this country, you also have certain rights that come with that citizenship as long as this nation remains sovereign. 

As noted by Michael Gerson in the Washington Post

“Obama’s record on abortion is extreme. He opposed the ban on partial-birth abortion — a practice a fellow Democrat, the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan, once called ‘too close to infanticide.’ Obama strongly criticized the Supreme Court decision upholding the partial-birth ban. In the Illinois State Senate, he opposed a bill similar to the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, which prevents the killing of infants mistakenly left alive by abortion. And now Obama has oddly claimed that he would not want his daughters to be ‘punished with a baby’ because of a crisis pregnancy — hardly a welcoming attitude toward new life.”


According to Pastor Clenard Howard Childress, Jr. of the Life Education And Resource Network “No other ethnic group in the United States has been more decimated by abortion than the Afro-American community.  The war being waged upon innocent captives in the womb is led by Planned Parenthood.” 

While Barak Obama recently appealed to the Black community in churches on Sunday, lamenting that the black male is missing in the home, just one year earlier (July 2007), he delivered these remarks to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund:
“Thanks to all of you at Planned Parenthood for all the work that you are doing for women all across the country and for families all across the country-and for men who have enough sense to realize you are helping them, all across the country. I want to thank Cecile Richards [national president of Planned Parenthood] for her extraordinary leadership. I am happy to see so many good friends here today, including Steve Trombley [Planned Parenthood of Chicago president] and Pam Sutherland [CEO and president of Planned Parenthood of Illinois] from my home state of Illinois. We had a number of battles down in Springfield from many years and it’s wonderful to see that they are here today"
Why the concern for the Planned Parenthood connection?  In a letter (Dec. 10, 1939) to Dr. Clarence Gamble (heir of Proctor and Gamble), Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger said,
“We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”    In a similar memo for the “Negro Project” Dr. Gamble suggested black leaders “be placed in positions where it would appear they were in charge.”

So one might ask why is Senator Obama so appreciated by Planned Parenthood?  He represents them well with his political vote.  On Planned Parenthood’s Scorecard Barak Obama scores 100%.  He is a good looking, articulate and a wonderful advocate for their cause.  With 79% of Planned Parenthood clinics located in minority neighborhoods, is it any wonder that In America today, an African-American baby is almost as likely to be aborted as it is to be born?  28% of the abortions performed in America today cause the death of a black baby.   What could Senator Obama be thinking?  By promoting the elimination of his own people, would he bring honor to the office of the President of the United States?

In contrast, Senator John McCain has a big fat zero on Planned Parenthood’s Scorecard.   He does not actively promote the killing of our unborn.

In the recent Guantanamo decision, activist judges are taking the first steps to hallmark a series of decisions that affords American civil rights to foreign combatants.  This is an ongoing introductory trend to reach beyond our shores to define United States law and our rights.  While it might sound gracious to provide everybody American rights, this decision steps far beyond our Constitution.

Forget the fact that 5-10% of those released even under the current process return to the battlefield to kill American troops, or that many are so despised in their own countries that repatriation is forbidden because their own country would execute them on sight, or even that many of those who were returned to their home country murdered several innocents upon their release.

The privilege of belonging to a country like the United States carries with it certain responsibilities to continue those special rights.  Ignoring the criteria and qualifications by which these rights are recognized nullifies the privilege and value of those rights.

Life matters.  The words in our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of this country have meaning.  The sovereignty of this nation matters.  This brings us to the logical conclusion that the character of the person who occupies the office of President of these United States and thereby affects policy impacting life, law, and sovereignty  also matters.

In his position as Senator, John McCain has examined the qualifications of nominations that Presidents have put forward.  Based upon those qualifications, Senator McCain has voted to approve the candidates.  He has repeatedly stated that as President of the United States he would look to those who would appoint candidates who interpret the Constitution as written. 

On the other hand, Senator Obama is looking for justices who will apply their personal beliefs to the cases brought before them.

Who will best protect your rights as articulated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States?  Which of the two apparent candidates will protect your rights, the process of this government and the sovereignty of this great nation?  The beauty or the beast?


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