Meet the New Press… International Baccalaureate-Palooza!



Starting Saturday morning at 9 am!

Pat Hynes.mic.Skip Murphy.mic.Doug Lambert
             .Pat Hynes                                  Skip Murphy                                  Doug Lambert

As usual, this week’s broadcast version of GraniteGrok and AnkleBitingPundits brings an array of items and guests for your consideration– ALL STARTING AT 9AM! As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and analytical skills of Skip, if you are beyond the broadcast area of Newstalk 1490 WEMJ, simply click here for instructions on how to connect and listen on the Internet via livestream. (Podcasts here)

There are many questions I know you’d like asked, but I’ve never been able to ask them because I haven’t been one of the privileged few conservative bloggers allowed into the McCain sanctum to ask those questions for you.
Wow! We’re "privileged" to have been allowed into the "inner sanctum! We’ll talk about the concept of blogger calls and what was discussed Thursday. Michelle says Pat emailed her and said she would be invited to the next ones. What are the logistics of a president committed to continuing the concept? Seems you can’t invite everybody.
  • McCain’s 2013
  • Is Hillary toast? Glad? Sad?

  • Among other things, CNHT’s Jane Aitken is a computer consultant, retired educator, and conservative activist who lives in New Hampshire. For concerned parents and other interested persons, Jane is fast becoming the "go-to" gal for the lovely-sounding International Baccalaureate Program. Jane has learned even more that folks need to be aware of when considering "IB" for their local schools since the last time she checked in with the MTNP gang. Joining us in the studio is Anne Marie, a Bedford parent who has done what every parent should do when the specter of IB is raised for their child: her homework. She’s an "expert" at "fuzzy math." We’ll learn what that is, and how it sets the stage for "the agenda."  Recall  a few weeks back we discussed a story from the St. Helena Star

    On Friday students gathered at Carpy Field with their umbrellas before marching through downtown and arriving back at Carpy Field, where they had a hamburger lunch. On the way students flashed peace signs and some could be heard chanting, “No more war.”

    Don’t worry, though, because it’s all thanks to St. Helena’s

    adoption of the International Baccalaureate program, which teaches students how to be a part of a global community.

Ugh! You’ll cringe when you learn how deeply into local schools UNESCO and the UN have driven. Is this what parents want from their children’s schools? If they only knew! More recommended reading here. Community theme pdf here (note freedom fighter reference). Here in Gilford, when promoting the program, the Superintendent mentions, according to meeting minutes that large portions of its education philosophy follow Dewy very closely. Find out about Dewey here. Yikes!

If you are a parent with a child in school– government or PRIVATE, you need to be on the watch for IB. You need to understand what it really means, and what it seeks to do to your child. Please plan on calling during the discussion at 603-527-1490 with any questions or comments.

Think we’ll get it all in? Tune in and find out! It all starts at 9AM EST Saturday. Tune in if you’re in Central NH at NewsTalk 1490AM WEMJ or live on the ‘Net here… The best radio (in our humble opinions) anywhere…



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