GOP Rising, Part 1: Calling for more openness and transparency in government– A winning issue.


.sunshine.Gilford GOP.

There is no question that in the Granite State, the once-dominant Republican Party faces an uphill battle as it seeks to regain majority status. Many of its long-time leaders appear incapable of engaging in any actions that might cause needed excitement among the voters necessary to make this a reality. Fortunately, there are signs that others within local GOP ranks have had enough and are willing to take action. They realize that if Republicans are to be successful at the ballot box, they must give voters a REASON to actually cast their ballot for them.

In an excellent article appearing in the March 26th Union Leader, Charles Arlinghaus, president of the Josiah Bartlett Center wrote of government openness:

The complete transparency of every detail of government makes government accountable and responsible, is supported by politicians of every ideology, and would eliminate corruption issues that are an increasing feature of our daily news coverage.

He further wrote that using modern technology,

A transparency movement is spreading across the country to open the doors of government.


[I]ncreasingly, lawmakers and local officials are passing laws and ordinances to make transparency Web sites permanent.

Wholeheartedly agreeing with Mr. Arlinghaus’ expressed sentiments, members of the Gilford Town Republican Committee have decided to act. After all, who ISN’T in favor of more citizen access to government that, at the end of the day, belongs to all people? A Party that leads the charge on an issue as important as this might possibly be rewarded come election day…

At their monthly meeting last night, the Gilford GOP voted to authorize the Town Chair to send letters to the appropriate officials calling for greater use of the Internet to facilitate the availability of as many public records and documents as possible by Belknap County, the Town of Gilford, and the Gilford School District. The local group issued a series of press releases announcing the details. This refers to the county:

Gilford Republican Committee calls on Belknap County to update website in an effort to promote transparency and openness

Gilford– When it comes to the dollars that fund towns, counties, and state agencies in New Hampshire, taxpayers are often forced to wait for an audit to know how much money was spent and whether it’s all accounted for. The first step to transparency is simply posting the town or agency’s check register online. Right away, any taxpayer can look and see every dollar spent and to whom it was paid.

Additionally, in order to track the actions and deliberations of government bodies, citizens must be allowed access to all meeting notices, minutes, and other pertinent information. Currently, this often involves a trip to a particular agency office during business hours, difficult for those who work during those same hours. The simplest solution is to automatically place all such items online for all to see.

“The Gilford Republican Committee, believing that transparency and openness are among the most important principles of our Party, is calling on the Belknap County Commissioners to update the County’s website in order to allow open access to the recent past and current budget detail, check registers, meeting notices, agendas, minutes, and any other information necessary to promote an ever-growing amount of transparency and access for all. We further ask that this be accomplished as soon as possible.”

For more information about the Gilford Republican Committee, please visit

Similar statements were released regarding the town and school district websites. Perhaps folks in other towns and cities across the state will climb aboard the bandwagon to bring more transparency to all levels of government here in New Hampshire. Perhaps other Republicans will join those from Gilford and work to restore the notion that for good government, we need the GOP in charge. In order for that, we must reconnect with ordinary people. This is an excellent place to start.

[DISCLOSURE: Skip Murphy is the Town Chair, and I am an active member of the GTRC also–DL Wink]



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