Along with the recent publicity involving the approval of a Gold Star Mothers’ memorial statue in Manchester, there is, sadly, a bit of controversy. While it’s unfortunate that this is the case, the points being made are worth consideration, and need to be aired. Our friend, NH Blue Star Mother Karen Thurston explains…
The NH Gold Star Mothers Memorial Association uses the name NH Gold Star Mothers; yet have no Gold Star Mothers on their committee. The NH Gold Star Mothers Organization is not part of nor should they be confused with the NH Gold Star Mothers Memorial Association. The misuse of such an honored name has caused a great deal of confusion around the state.
I have supported the idea and the effort of the group for the Gold Star Mother Statue. The work the committee has done should be commended. However they have not included those they are claiming to honor: the NH Gold Star Mothers. Many of the NH Gold Star Mothers have asked that the memorial be placed at the NH Veterans Cemetery.
The concerns that surrounded this project from the start have been given to the committee and they have been all but ignored. When the requests of the mothers were brought to the committee, one of the reasons given for placing the memorial statue in Stanton Park was the Gold Star Mothers Memorial represented the living and not the dead. The committee was asked about security and development of the park, which will be needed not only for "NH Gold Star Mothers Sunday", but also "National Gold Star Mothers Sunday", along with the "Blue to Gold" services held to honor these mothers. We were told that neither would be a concern. Really? How do we know this for sure?
The NH Gold Star Mothers have asked that the statue be placed at the NH Veterans Cemetery Memorial Walkway, where many have laid their children to rest. Here, a Mother will not witness anti war protests. The Veterans Cemetery Walkway is where she can visit her child in peace and not worry about being safe. The memorial statue will always be cared for and be protected and never have to be moved. The NH Blue Star Mothers in support of our sisters, knowing very well that we at anytime could join their ranks, support them in wanting the Memorial Statue placed at the NH Veterans Cemetery.
This is a statue of honor and should be treated as such.
Karen Thurston
Blue Star Mothers of New Hampshire