Chaplain’s Emergency Relief Fund– “We’ve Got Your Back” Fundraiser

NH Soldiers
Supporting Our Troops Around the World
The Red Blazer Restaurant
Manchester Street, Concord, NH
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The Red Blazer Restaurant along with a number of organizations in support of our troops is hosting a fundraiser to raise funds for the Chaplain’s Emergency Relief Fund [CERF].  This event will feature the following:
• One Live Band
•  Silent Auction
• “We’ve Got Your Back” Long Sleeve T-Shirts
• “got heroes” Short Sleeve T-Shirts
• The Best Meals in Concord
• Opportunity to show your support for our service personnel with other like-minded people.
The Chaplain’s Emergency Relief Fund is there to assist the families of service personnel, regardless of branch and provides temporary financial assistance to families in need.  The CERF is a 501c3 [IRS ID#02-0445602] and is managed by New Hampshire National Guard Chaplains.  99.5% of the contributions made reach the military families in need.  Grants provided to families are considered a gift and do not have to be repaid.  The majority of grants given to families are for significant needs such as housing, utilities, auto repairs and medical expenses.  In the last 3 years, the CERF has helped 310 families with their urgent and pressing needs through the generosity of New Hampshire citizens, Churches, Family Readiness Groups, Corporations and Businesses from all over of New Hampshire.
For more information contact Chaplain Paige at 603-731-2429 or Susan Peterson at (603)584-8787.


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