Tell me again why we need “hate crimes” laws?

From the "Color Me Unsurprised Department" comes this bit of news from the Baltimore Sun:
A firefighter who reported finding a knotted rope and a threatening note with a drawing of a noose in an East Baltimore station house last month had placed the items there himself, city officials said yesterday.
Haven’t we heard this story before? Anybody care to count how many tales similar to this we’ve had since Al Sharpton and Tawana Brawley set the standard for faux "hate" crimes. Oh, and with particular story, here’s the kicker:
The man was suspended last week for performance-related issues and will likely face additional punishment, fire officials said.

Sterling Clifford, a spokesman for the Police Department and for Mayor Sheila Dixon, said the man admitted to the hoax and will not face criminal charges.

Officials identified the firefighter who they say acknowledged writing the note as Donald Maynard, a firefighter-paramedic apprentice who is black.

Can you imagine if some white guy had done this as a joke? Sharpton, Jackson, and the rest of America’s leading lights of race-hucksterism would be all over the TV calling for the poor bastard’s head. Instead… [INSERT CRICKET SOUNDS HERE]


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