Penguin for Mayor? Same bat channel…Plenty of girls and bands and slogans and lots of hoopla, but remember, no politics. Issues confuse people. [The Penguin, discussing plans for his campaign for Mayor of Gotham. Will he ever appear on MTNP?]
Meet the New Press? Holy intense radio talk, Batman! And they’re on at 9 am now!
..Pat Hynes Skip Murphy Doug Lambert
Once again, this week’s broadcast version of GraniteGrok and AnkleBitingPundits brings an array of items and guests for your consideration– ALL STARTING AT 9AM THIS WEEK! As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and analytical skills of Skip (the GraniteGrok media empire’s secret weapon), if you are beyond the broadcast area of Newstalk 1490 WEMJ, simply click here for instructions on how to connect and listen on the Internet via livestream. (Podcasts here)
Here’s the lineup:
Charlie Arlinghaus of the Josiah Bartlett Center stops by to talk about several recent columns in the Union Leader: How the Internet can limit local government abuses; Making decisions in each state would be good for everyone (about those federal highway dollars); and Fairpoint’s purchase of Verizon’s landline operation makes sense.
Mark Kibbe, Washington Representative for the American Petroleum Institute (API), currently represents the interests of API member companies before the U.S. Congress. While covering a wide range of issues in his advocacy role, Mr. Kibbe’s primary focus is on federal tax and budget issues impacting the oil and natural gas industry. Yep– he works for (gasp!) "big oil"! We’ll get another perspective on the energy legislation making the news this week, and why it’s important to understand the impact of what our politicians are doing. He’ll also clue us in as to who really is "big oil" and who gets hurt when the politicians attack…
Elise Lambert is a freshman at Boston University. This past week, she signed up with the McCain campaign. We’ll find out why this young School of Management student student picked the Arizona senator over others in the field when she casts her very first presidential vote. She’ll also discuss what it’s like to be a practicing conservative on campus these days.
Some members of the Belknap County Convention want to (once again) go behind closed doors to appoint someone to fill out the remainder of the term of yet another elected position in the county left vacant duue to a resignation. This is, of course, the issue at the heart of our ongoing Right-To-Know Law suit pending at the state Supreme Court. We’ll give an update and publicly thank those who have stated they will not participate in another non-public meeting to fill a constitutional elective position.
Skip will report on the Minneapolis Airport car rental "sharia" he encountered on his trip this week.
Frequent MTNP guest Jen Rubin, whose work appears in all the bigtime punditry places including the American Spectator, NRO and ABC News, as well as Human Events, The Weekly Standard, and others will give us her thoughts on the Romney speech and whether it helps or hurts Mitt’s quest for the Oval Office. [read it here] National Review’s Ramesh Ponnuru had a piece in the latest issue entitled "Rudy Wins the Pundit Primary." In it he noted the "Giuliani bandwagon" includes Jennifer. We’ll ask her if she’s ready to "fall off" given the still-emerging "news" about security details and the Hizzoner’s wife and girlfriend (at the time). She’ll give us her take on the situation on the ground in Iowa and what it all means for the candidates, especially Ms. Rodham-Clinton and Mitt Romney, who both stand t
o gain or lose the most depending on the results.