Saluting Freedom & Our Soldiers


NHANG soldier

3643rd Security Force To Be Honored With Freedom Salute Awards

MANCHESTER – About 150 soldiers from the 3643rd Security Force, a New Hampshire Army National Guard unit based in Concord, will be honored for their service in Iraq on Saturday, Nov. 3. at 1 p.m. at the Manchester Armory.
You are invited to join family and friends as the Army National Guard recognizes the soldiers and their families with the Freedom Salute Awards. Employers of Guardsmen will also be recognized for their support.
The Freedom Salute Campaign is one of the largest Army National Guard recognition programs in history, designed to publicly acknowledge Army Guard soldiers and those who supported them during the President’s call to duty for recent military operations.
Commanded by Capt. Tony Gagnon, the 3643rd served a year in Iraq, supporting a detainee operation from September 2006 to September 2007.
For more, click here for the Public Affairs contact info…


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