Our friend Sue Peterson sent this along to share with the ‘Grok readers. It is a note from one of her fellow NH Blue Star Mothers.
I wanted to share something with you that happened to me yesterday…..I was driving to work listening to the radio station I listen to all the time when they started talking about beefs of the world. One of the announcers stated that her beef was that the troops were getting all this money to fight a war when people were starving in the US and that the military could send 18 year olds to war but why couldn’t they buy a 6 pack in the states. The other announcer then said…."Yeah, so basically we can send these kids to war but not let them pop a beer to celebrate if they kill someone in a foreign country." Well lemme tell ya, that did NOT sit well with THIS MARINE MOM!.I waited and waited on my hour commute to work and they then said that if people have a beef to post to call them. So I did and LAMBASTED this rather large radio station for not only making derogatory comments about our boys but the fact that they USE their position to make rude comments like that! That our boys DON’T have the best equipment….that they go for weeks without showers and that in an ironic twist of fate our boys are fighting so THEY can make rude comments. I hung up rather quickly and the next thing I knew they stated on the station that they apologized for offending me and if I was still listening they wanted me to call back!!.SOO I did, and they talked to me for about 30 minutes on my way to work, about the troops, what they do, what they stand for, what makes them become a US Marine. It was CRAZY!! When I got to work , I emailed them a couple of pictures of Sean to put a face to the troops of this war, and they emailed back and forth with me all morning!!.Bottom line is that their website NOW has a spot to put pictures up of our boys so that people can SEE the fine young men and women defending us. They told me they wanted me to stay in touch about my son and that they would be in touch down the road. I’m telling ya it was crazy! I promised my son the day he deployed that I would try and reach one person at time and tell them that regardless of their opinion about this war, or this president, people would know that it is because of our boys they have a right to their freedoms. Little did I know it would be on a live , radio station in NH…haha!!! Ya never know what the day will bring ya sometimes!! ( of course Sean is gonna KILL me….haha…oh well…it wont be the first time!!) ….Anyways…I wanted to pass this on so that you in turn could pass it on to your members to email a photo of their son or daughter serving during the holidays to 106.3 Frank FM. Since they will be posting photos of our loved ones on their website I thought it would be nice for as many people as wanted would be able to post them..Thanks so much
Patricia Fickett
Click here to email a photo. Click here to view the gallery. This is a great story that goes to show you that when someone is willing to stand up and speak the truth, there are still people out there who are willing to hear it and believe it…