You cannot slam the UN enough, if you ask me. Fred obliges.

                                            Ruger Mini 14– the official "ranch rifle" of the ‘Grok
UN Flag
One of the dangers a Democratic-controlled Unites States government brings with it is "repairing" our relationship with the UN. With my favorite diplomat of all time, John Bolton ( the smartest man in America) gone from the scene, and a renewed lovefest with the "world body", we could wake up one day to discover we have ceded all of our freedoms to the body notorious for its anti-Americanism. Once gone, of course, there’s no telling whether we could get them back. So it goes with guns.
Fred Thompson has an enlightening piece in the Field & Stream blog’s "The Gun Nut" column on what the United Nations would see done with the right of citizens to bear arms:
Last year, the United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights declared that international human rights law requires all nations to adopt strict gun control laws. These “minimum” provisions are much more restrictive than any of those on the books anywhere in the U.S. and would almost certainly violate the Second Amendment of our Constitution.
He further writes,
Throughout modern history, the forced disarmament of people by its government has often been accompanied or followed by that government’s commission of often massive human rights abuses. In fact, no genocide in the 20th century occurred when the victim population still possessed small arms, legally or illegally, with which to defend themselves.
So now the UN wants to disarm civilians? Where was the UN when the massacres in Rwanda occurred? What did the UN do to protect the victims of ethnic massacres in Bosnia? Disarming civilians under the guise of international human rights law will only lead to more such genocides by ensuring that civilians can never defend themselves! It would be funny if it weren’t so perverse.
Mr. Thompson raises some excellent points with his take on both guns and the role of the UN in deciding which freedoms we get to keep. Keeping the UN in its place is something that the Bush Administration has done rather well since the beginning. It is important that we continue this track, lest we pay some deep price. Yet another reason we MUST stop the Democrats in next November’s elections! Thank you Mr. Thompson, for raising two important issues that have not gotten much attention thus far…


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