Once again, this week’s broadcast version of the New Media brings an array of items and guests for your consideration. As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and analytical skills of Skip, if you are beyond the broadcast area of Newstalk 1490 WEMJ, simply click here for instructions on how to connect and listen on the Internet via livestream. (Podcasts here)
Note: we are in the processing of moving our Live Stream server – it may be up and running, or up and incommunicado, or has decided that it ain’t coming out to play…..right now, it IS up. This week, pray for us!
Here’s the topics and lineup (so far):
All politics are local, part 1. The Gilford Budget Committee began its work this week. The selectmen have taken steps to get all employees contributing to health insurance benefits. What about the school board?
All politics are local part 2. Colonial Theater in Laconia. Agreed, it’s a fabulous "gem in the rough", but should taxpayer $$$ get spent to do something with it? When is enough enough when it comes to tax expenditures?
Former NH Supreme Court Justice Charles "Chuck" Douglas, III will join the gang for some discussion of the ongoing McCain/Romney flap as to who’s a better Republican. He’ll also answer some questions we have concerning the NH Right to Know statutes and perhaps give some insight that might help with our ongoing Supreme Court case involving that law.
Pelosi’s Turkish spanking fails to pass muster. Can the Dems get anything done, really?
Greg Swaney of Nexcess.net, the awesome folks that are the "men behind the curtains" here at the ‘Grok. We’ll talk about the technology that makes blogging happen. You know, "cyberspace" where all the bits and bytes actually reside. Electronic voting seems like a good thing to ask Greg about. Does he think it can be made to be foolproof?
Land Warrior battle gear gets a second look. The high-tech soldier hits the battlefield.
Time to winnow the presidential field? Duncan Hunter raised a whole sixty bucks here in NH in the last reporting cycle. Don’t spend it all in one place, Dunc! Who should follow Brownback as he exits, stage left?
GraniteGrok featured again… This time, it’s the newstand edition of Campaigns & Elections magazine!
Don’t forget– TOLLS GO UP MONDAY!!!
There you have it! It all starts at 11AM EST Saturday. Tune in if you’re in Central NH at NewsTalk 1490AM WEMJ or live on the ‘Net here… WOW!!!