I admire Gen. Pace for refusing to apologize for his own personal opinions, and here, regarding what he considers immoral behavior.
The top dems try to please all of the people all of the time and apparently have no morals, adultery’s okay, civil unions are okay, etc., etc. and basically think just about everything and anything is okay.
When people have no moral boundaries, we have some of the situations like we have now in America. An everything and anything’s okay lifestyle will lead to destruction for sure. Even the Bible states that while everything’s permissible, not everything is beneficial.
I’d rather have a Gen. Pace type as President than any liberal, left-wing, anything’s okay democrat. The truth is that Gen. Pace is entitled to his opinion and just because someone disagrees with homosexuality because of religious or any other reason, they shouldn’t be condemned for it or apologize. At least Gen. Pace knows what he believes and is willing to stick by his beliefs. The wishy, washy liberals are swayed to and fro by the wind of whatever’s currently popular; e.g., Al Gore and his alarmist global warming scare tactics that are very one-sided and don’t take into account naturally occuring climatic changes. It’s the False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR) tactics being used to attempt to silence truth under a banner of the political correctness man who thinks he’s some kind of god.
I wish more Americans were convicted and steadfast in their beliefs and had higher morals rather than ever-changing "values."