Is it possible to heal homosexuality?


In Iran homosexuals are put to death…here’s the latest from Fox News…I’m sure we can all agree, no matter what side of the issue we’re on, that we all condemn the death penalty just because someone is a practicing homosexual.


If you’ve read any of my posts from the past, you know that I am opposed to civil unions and gay marriage for a multitude of reasons. But there’s a significant difference between being opposed to  CUs for homosexuals and believing someone should be put to death.


This leads to exploring a new study about whether or not homosexuals can be healed and become heterosexuals.


Here’s the recent research on the possibility of changing sexual orientation.


Okay, yeah, I already know that the chimps won’t like it, and more than likely I’ll be called more bad and creative names. That’s okay.


However, since my husband and I spent many years in ministry counseling homosexuals, I can personally attest to the fact that they can be “healed” of homosexuality. As in any other complex issue people deal with; e.g., sexual abuse, alcoholism, pedophilia, etc., because God created us with free will, a person must first be willing to change.

We are a three-part being: spirit, soul (where our will, intellect and emotions live) and body. If the spiritual part of a person isn’t included in the healing, there will be no success in the healing of homosexuals. That’s why some do not become healed because they go to a secular psychiatrist or psychologist who has no knowledge about the spiritual being and therefore, really have no clue how to heal…they only know how to intellectualize, study books and follow various methods by other intellectuals, and only succeed in perhaps helping people cope better…but that’s it.


It always breaks my heart, when I hear a homosexual say: Well, I tried to become a heterosexual but it didn’t work. I always wonder who they went to for help. It wasn’t God because He promises that if you will seek Him, you will find Him. A Godly man who has been gifted by God in this particular area of counselling, can facilitate the way to healing, and God can and does heal. Willingness to change greatly affects success.


So, while some do not care to be healed from homosexuality and that’s certainly their right, that does not mean that healing is not available.


Statistically, most Psychiatrists do not believe in God. The majority in the scientific community don’t believe in God. How on earth would they understand how healing by God takes place if they don’t even believe in Him themselves?


The American Psychological Association is made up of mostly people who do not believe in God, so most don’t understand the things of God either. And, yes, I agree that the debate about homosexuality has too often been driven by political rather than scientific considerations.


And it’s been greatly skewed by men/women who are scientists and puffed up in their own knowledge. Godly knowledge is something completely different.


I hardily agree with Mr. Chambers, an ex-homosexual, that “this body of research is critical in advancing the national dialogue on this issue.”


Mr. Besen’s comment “you can pray away the gay” is childish and only supports that he has absolutely no personal understanding of God and how God heals. Most healings by God take some effort by the individual and a free-will choice to pursue healing…few healings are miraculous happening instantaneously.


Scientists who are pro-homosexuality or homosexuals themselves, of course, are heard more often and certainly have their own biases.


Many of the homosexual and sexual abuse survivors we counseled required years of counseling before God healed their total being and they moved on in a healthier way with their life.


Being completely honest here, many Psychiatrists and Psychologists aren’t all that interested in getting someone so much better that they no longer require their services. Let’s face it, they’re in a business to make money. God’s in the business of healing willing people and then setting them free. Counselors who answer to God generally freely give, because they have been given to freely.


Part of the healing process is how closely God will draw you to Him and relate and love you unconditionally…if you’re willing. He is not in the business of shaming anyone although internal shame issues many times are illuminated…but not to hurt although it may, but to set a person free. If you’ve never experienced it, it’s unexplainable to a finite mind. But, if you have gone through a healing process with God, no one will be able to convince you that God doesn’t heal.


I’m very interested in reading the book when it comes out in October. Partly since they quoted C. S. Lewis, who said that science produced by Christian persons would have to be perfectly honest. I agree that honesty is tantamount. I’m really curious to read about their approach and how they counseled these homosexuals to see if it correlates with my own experience.


Hopefully, there will be a national dialogue as the issue needs to have light shed on it rather than keeping it in the darkness which only hinders finding the truth.


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