Welfare Poem

by Steve MacDonald
welfare sticker
Well, I have no idea if the figures in the poem below are correct, etc., but you get the drift, huh? Read the poem (after my discourse)  and let me know if it makes you angry, okay?

Somewhat related to this, I’ve been following some of the coverage on the Pelosi/Shea-Pompous upcoming trip to New Orleans along with the other 13-14 democratic party animals. The story is interesting. Why, you ask? The comments are overwhelmingly against them going to New Orleans for what most people believe is merely another photo op and Bush bashing expedition at taxpayers’ expense.

What does Congress do about approval ratings in the single digits? Go on a trip, of course. They are all on vacation anyway. Many people are mad at Pompous and wondering why she doesn’t work here in NH to solve fixing the many roads and bridges that are red-lined, help those who have suffered flooding problems here, feed the one in ten children who go to bed hungry…you know work on NH’s many unsolved problems. We’re 6th in income but 49th in services to citizens right here in NH. Where’s the NH way?

Not a big photo op here, I guess, as it probably wouldn’t get national exposure. Playing on people’s sympathies works very well many times. What some people don’t seem to understand is that you can fell sorry for somebody, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to "do" something for them, especially if they’re not willing to do something for themselves.

We all like to give, partly because it makes us feel good about ourselves. Obviously, when there’s a real crisis as there was with Katrina, we should all try to do our part to help. But, sometimes people don’t appreciate what they get for nothing so it can be more harmful to them and what they may need is to become responsible and accountable and held to a higher standard sometimes too. I’m not saying we still shouldn’t be trying to help people in New Orleans, but sometimes "help" can actually hurt.

I was in Vail about a year ago. I rode the shuttle van from Denver and met a New Orleans’ football player who was going to see an ortopaedist in Vail. We started talking about Hurricane Katrina.

He told me that there was a huge population of "welfare mentality" people in New Orleans. Many of them, according to him, had never worked although they were able, and they had always been on welfare way before Katrina.

He was a very nice Christian man and he and his family had done alot of work to help people through their Church, especially after the Hurricane.

However, he honestly told me that the Hurricane had left many with a worse "victim’s mentality" and they wanted more and more and more hand-outs. What they didn’t want was to go get a job and become self-sufficient.

Now, I have no reason to doubt this guy’s take on things. He seemed very sincere and not hostile whatsoever. But, he did say that his Church had tried to help many people find jobs, and because they had such a "welfare mentality" mindset, they were too comfortable living on welfare and doing as they pleased and the last thing they wanted was to work for money.

Now, couldn’t we solve the problem here easily. Send the illegals home and round up the able-bodied welfare recipients from New Orleans and put them in the fields to earn a day’s pay for a change. Anyone can cut grass and do other jobs without an education to earn a living.

Don’t get your knickers in an uproar! I’m not saying everyone in New Orleans is on welfare or that there aren’t plenty of people who have helped themselves and worked hard. I’m also not saying that we shouldn’t have helped New Orleans either.
I’m merely passing along what I, too, know through many years in ministry. Some people absolutely refuse to help themselves and just want to whine and swirl around in their own little cesspool. We used to cut these people off after giving them ample opportunity to work on their issues and help themselves. Eventually, you stop enabling them and hold them accountable and some would rather hold onto their "victim’s mentality" for life. You can’t help those, who won’t help themselves. It was always hard for us to let anyone go, but we had hundreds of people who worked hard to improve their lives and that’s where we directed our limited resources and energy.

The poem does speak to this topic, so here it is for you to think about perhaps?


  "Welfare Poem 

I cross ocean, 
 poor and broke,   
Take bus, 
 see employment folk. 
Nice man treat me 
 good in there,   
Say I need to 
 see welfare. 
Welfare say, 
 "You come no more,   
We send cash 
 right to your door." 
Welfare checks, 
 they make you wealthy,   
Medicaid it keep 
 you healthy! 
By and by, 
 I got plenty money,   
Thanks to you, 
 American dummy. 
Write to friends 
 in motherland,   
Tell them ‘come 
 fast as you can.’ 
They come in turbans 
 and Ford trucks, 
  I buy big house 
 with welfare bucks  
They come here, 
 we live together,   
More welfare checks, 
 it gets better! 
Fourteen families, 
 they moving in,  
But neighbor’s patience 
 wearing thin. 
Finally, white guy 
 moves away,   
Now I buy his house, 
 and then I say,  
 "Find more aliens 
 for house to rent." 
And in the yard,
 I put a tent. 

Send for family 
 they just trash,   
But they, too, 
 draw the welfare cash! 
Everything is 
 very good,   
And soon we 
 own the neighbor hood. 
We have hobby 
 it’s called breeding,   
Welfare pay 
 for baby feeding. 
Kids need dentist? 
 Wife need pills?  
We get free! 
 We got no bills! 
American crazy! 
 He pay all year,  
To keep welfare 
 running here. 
We think America darn good place! 
 Too darn good for the white man race. 
If they no like us, they can scram, 
 Got lots of room in Pakistan. 
It is interesting that the federal government provides a  single refugee with a monthly allowance of $1, 890.00 and each can also get 
 an additional $580.00 in social assistance for a total of $2,470.00. 
 *This compares very well to a single pensioner who after  contributing to the growth and development of America for 40 to 50 years can  only receive a monthly maximum of $1, 012.00 in old age pension and  Guaranteed Income Supplement. 

 Maybe our pensioners should apply as refugees! 
Lets send this to all Americans, so we can all be ticked off 
 and maybe we can get the refugees cut back to $1,01 2.00 and the pensioners up to $2,470 00 and enjoy some of the money we were forced to submit to the Government over the last 40 or 50 years."

H/T: Laurie


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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