Once again, this week’s broadcast version of the New Media brings an array of items and guests for your consideration. As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and analytical skills of Skip, if you are beyond the broadcast area of Newstalk 1490 WEMJ, simply click here for instructions on how to connect and listen on the Internet via livestream. (Podcasts here)
Gilford, Moultonboro, the School Board, and the Right-to-Know. This week we witnessed yet another example of why this law is so important. Left to their own devices, government will almost ALWAYS choose closed-doors. What did the Gilford School Board members have to say about the Gilford Budget Committee that couldn’t be said in public under the watchful eyes of the video cameras?
Guest Liz Mair of LizMair.com and GOPProgress. We’ll talk about what’s happened to GOPProgress. Also, the state of the Prez ’08 race– Some Fred, Rudy– That Big, Bad social liberal… Why Churchgoers still love him. and the "Romney Straw Poll". Also the Manchester GOP machine gun shoot fundraiser. What’s up with that? Romney’s strange remark on the affair. We’ll talk about the state of some US Senate races and, time permitting, Liz’s column in the Washington Times about the home-loan financing.
In studio guest Patrick McKenna. A Gilford resident, Pat is active in the energy saving/ alternative source realm. He is a member of the New Hampshire Sustainable Energy Association and advocates market solutions to today’s energy and pollution concerns. We’ll discuss the statewide movement towards energy-related committees and groups in many towns and cities. We’ll discuss the proposed Gilford Energy Committee. Patrick is familiar with the efforts in Plymouth with their energy/ pollutant-contol program, which is rather extensive. Whether you believe man-made global warming exists or not, saving $$$$ by saving energy is something we can all embrace.
Guest Michael Brady of the Majority Accountability Project (MAP). He’ll tell us about our two Democratic Congressmen Hodes and Shea-Porter and how they voted against legislation and yet, now that it’s passed, they take credit for it. We’ll also get an update about how Shea Porter is still getting campaign funds from a group she told NHerites she would NOT accept monies from…
We’ll give a quick update on the new Right-to-Know lawsuit we filed this week against the Belknap County Convention. These guys (state representatives all) still don’t get it!
What a show! It all starts at 11AM EST today. Tune in if you’re in Central NH at NewsTalk 1490AM WEMJ or live on the ‘Net here…