Great Comebacks…


General Douglas MacArthur promised the Philippino people: "I said, to the people of the Philippines whence I came, I shall return. Tonight, I repeat those words: I shall return!"


And he did. "I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God, our forces stand again on Philippine soil."


The Terminator promised, "I’ll be back!"


And sure enough, he was… (again and again in many sequels, actually)


We thought he was gone for good…

"Heeere’s Johhnny!"


Everybody thought this guy was toast:

But the "Comeback Kid" came back!


And so it is. Now we can add another great operation to the great comebacks of all time:



GraniteGrok. Yep… We’re back! After two days of wandering in the wilderness of technology– lost in a veritable no-man’s land of Yahoo! abandonment and neglect– and a whole boatload of work by Skip and our new server host, we’re "sorta" back posting again. We apologize to those who have been waiting with bated breath for several days for fresh words and material from the ‘Grok gang. Since Sunday morning, we have been unable to access or do anything with our blog other than look at it. (Which, while we admire it, we want new material every day)

We will undoubtedly experience many more goofs, gaffs, and glitches along the way, but in the end, it will be better than it ever has been… At least that’s what we hope!

NOTE: many comments have been lost.  At this point, since we are still reloading the database, it may be a while before I get back to them.  Also note (mostly to the other Authors here) – it looks like I am the sole author….we’ll fix that later. 


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