Hampshire’s Balloon Boy (no! not NH silly)


Ahhh….what’s cuter than a 4 & 3/4 year old boy sending off a balloon in hopes of finding a pen pal? Click here for video.

This brought back such fond memories for me remembering when my kids always wanted to be age + 1/4, 1/2, etc. Plus, I personally had an English pen pal, Heather Penelope Singleton Fitch, that my father arranged for me through a family he met while serving in WWII. It’s remarkable that I still remember her name having not corresponded with her in probably 45+ years. In fact, my father regularly corresponded with the family all through the years prior to his death 17 years ago so I would ocassionally hear from him about what happened to Heather. 

Heather even sent me a copy of the London Daily Mail, Gold Edition, the day Queen Elizabeth was crowned, and I still cherish it to this day. What great memories……

Although this lovely little guy was a littly hazy about the Queen’s personal life when asked what he thought of the Queen now and answered "I think she’s getting married", you can tell he had sooo much fun sending off his balloon in hopes of finding a new friend. Plus, he did know that she "works for England."

Well, now here’s the bad news. Thanks to NH’s democratic controlled government who obviously don’t work for us regular folks like the Queen works for England, not only can’t our children release a balloon and exercise their childhood, precious imagination waiting for a pen pal then experiencing all of those mysteries of childhood, we as parents get to pay a $250 fine for "against the law" accidental balloon release by a minor. Oh my gosh, what a horror!

Oh, but these same children may soon be able to make their own decision without their parents’ consent on whether or not to take the life of a helpless human. So, I guess it all evens out.

But, here’s the good news. If the Queen moves to New Hampshire instead of near Hampshire, England, she can marry another Queen and we can have two Queens. Now ain’t that really sweeter than watching a 4 3/4 year old boy having some innocent fun?


boy with balloons




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