CONTROVERSY! Boulder, CO, Manch, NH & little Sutton, NH


Yikes! Yikes! Yikes!


These various stories, click here, here, here and here, remind me of a personal experience I had several years ago while substitute teaching at Kearsarge Regional High School, Sutton, NH. Bill O’Reilly made the following comment on Fox News on June 13th:

"This could happen where you live!" Click here to go to Fox News, then look on the right and click on "Watch Fox News Video", click the bullet underneath titled: "O’Reilly" Boulder High Controversy" to watch the actual video

Ah, duh, it already has happened here!

While I don’t recall what class I was teaching nor the exact topic of why we were gathered in the required auditorium assembly along with many other classes, I do recall it was supposed to be about population growth issues, natural resources, etc. The name of the organization was long but did not indicate anything about what was their real agenda unlike most people in Manchester, and just about everywhere, knowing that Planned Parenthood is pro-abortion.

There were several speakers. One Man had a bunch of charts showing population growth, affect on natural resources, and other pretty boring statistical information, etc. I could see my class, and others drifting, but that’s ok. Not every subject holds everyone’s peak interest and I even found myself thinking about other things although I had a bit of an uncomfortable feeling about where all this was leading based on some of the things that were said by several speakers. You know, you get that "feeling" that there’s some kind of set up taking place.

Here’s the YIKES! An elderly, okay more elderly than me, woman began speaking….she started to tell a personal story, pretty graphically…something about how it was too bad that she didn’t have access to an abortion, and went on for a minute or so before I realized that she was completely off topic and preaching inappropriate subject matter for "MY" public school that I pay tax dollars to support. I looked around for a teacher in attendance to speak up and get her back on topic. Since none of them did, I interrupted the woman, as politely as I could, and asked her to please get back on topic rather than encouraging abortion, and by the way some of us disagree with abortion, which was not what she was there to do.

She temporarily got back on topic then drifted to an even more emotionally charged personal issue regarding abortion and coat hangers.

I quickly hustled (like I ran, dude) down to the principal’s office not far away, told him that I thought he should immediately come to the auditorium to listen and intervene and get this woman either back on topic permanentaly or possibly shut her down and explained my reasoning, etc. that I did not believe school policy allowed her to be pushing an abortion agenda. The principal concurred.

I went back to the auditorium. I noticed the principal arrived and was standing near the stage.

The woman was still talking about abortion but had digressed even further to a story about her mother, more graphic detail, and something about it being too bad that mom couldn’t have had an abortion…sorry, but my memory is a bit hazy on all of the details, but you get the jest…other than that she was encouraging abortion again and telling her very one-sided story.

I kept my eye on the principal whom I was certain was going to do something about shutting this woman down. When I realized he was apparently not going to do anything and the woman got more emotional and angry…well, you know me, I just can’t keep my mouth shut sometimes, but under these circumstances, I felt completely justified in again interrupting the woman and reminding her that she was off topic again and while she may think abortion is the answer, it was merely her personal opinion and school policy did not allow her to push this particular agenda on a captive school audience in lieu of the topic that her group advertished they were coming in to discuss. I warned her that it was completely wrong and if she continued to be allowed to push her pro-abortion agenda, I requested equal time to respond with my anti-abortion, pro-life viewpoint before the assembly was dismissed. 

Most of the students in the assembly started clapping and saying something like "go, Mrs. Paris", etc. The principal finally stepped in but, in my opinion, did a very soft-soap job of finally ending the assembly and not really clearly stating that the woman was completely off base and should not have been allowed to discuss abortion.

We all started filing out and a bunch of kids started high fiving me in passing and saying things like "way to go, Mrs. Paris", she was wrong to do what she did and it was good that you spoke up and tried to get her back on the advertised topic. "How come Principal Fitzgerald or any of the "real" teachers didn’t do anything?" some of the kids wanted to know. Scary, eh?

Obviously, I spoke with the principal later and he made some ridiculous comment that he really didn’t think it was really all that bad, although if she wanted to talk about encouraging abortions, she should have signed up for the day when different groups are allowed to come in and talk about anything they want including controversial subjects. During that day, name escapes me, students are allowed to pick and choose what they want to attend or even choose not to attend anything.

I signed up for a pro-life topic and teen sex discussion. See, I’m not really that much of a prude and actually one of my favorite subjects to sub for was "health class" where alot of good, factual sexual information is supplied in a very non-biased way; just the facts and the kids are very mature and ask some very compelling questions on a piece of paper anonymously, that are read and answered so as to avoid having any of them becoming embarrassed because of their question. I think this is an excellent approach and I can remember dispelling a belief that you would get pregnant taking a bath in the same bath water after your brother had used it. Clearly some parents need to do a much better job of providing sexual education to their children I found out.

Now, much like Boulder, CO or Manchester, NH, the students in this controversial assembly were required to attend the assembly which is part of why I had a problem with it.

The one good thing that came out of this whole fiasco was that the school required a written outline of topics prior to approving any outside group being allowed to bend students’ ears. One bad thing was that the very young teacher who had invited this group began blubbering after returning to class and putting on a show in front of her students rather than dealing in a mature manner with the issue. She was also, I was told, very angry (go figure?) at me although she never confronted me. I found out later that she knew exactly what the agenda was so perhaps the over-the-top emotional display was merely embarrassment that she got caught.

My bottom line here is this: if more people
don’t do something about what is allowed to go on in our public schools that we taxpayers are supporting, it’s only going to get worse.

Case in point: Ron Tunning while on the Meet The New Press radio program (podcast here) made what I consider a startling statement during the radio show about "recruiting" students to join his homosexual group as though it’s like others recruiting for the baseball team! Since when are our public schools allowed to recruit kids, presummably during school time, to become homosexuals? Although in Boulder it apparently isn’t a problem even with some of the parents…..

Since one of the parent’s comments was that the Boulder High situation was "enlightening!" Yeah, it’s really enlightening to tell kids it’s okay to use illegal drugs, have sex men with men, etc.! I just must not be quite enlightened enough.

So, here’s just another example of how parents’ rights are being infringed upon while we’re paying for it to happen no less, and especially here in the State of NH where parental rights have been taken away so minor children do not have to tell their parents before they can get an abortion and a homosexual agenda is being encouraged and supported by our own government.

Please keep your eyes open for my upcoming blog on NH’s Right of Rebellion under our State Constitution. We are the only State who has such a "right" and I’m beginning to believe and becoming more and more convinced that we need to start exercising our rights as citizens and take back control of our state and government that appears to be becoming more and more secular progressive.

Article 10 of our constitution’s Bill of Rights partially states:

"Whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish a new government…"

I believe that perhaps the majority of the people of NH have just about had enough of our current state government and their new laws and possible perversion. What do you think? I really would love to hear your comments, pro and con as always. Is it time for us to rebel? Keep in mind YOU might have to do something….yeah, yeah, I know, I’m busy too!

And, no, the Boulder situtation is not Bill O’Reilly’s fault….when are adults going to learn to accept responsibility for themselves instead of blaming someone else for their actions? I agree that these faculty members should have been fired on the spot or even given twenty lashes with a wet noodle….just something should be done to prevent this from happening in the future.




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