Perhaps now’s the time for somebody to do the right thing…

Several days back, I cross-posted a story on our local blogsite about a grant for items requested by our local fire department under the guise of "homeland security."
toy washing machine
Writes Michael Kitch in today’s [the April 26th] Laconia Daily Sun: [Gilford, NH] Deputy Fire Chief John Beland
asked the board [selectmen] to authorize the department to seek and accept a $30,500 grant administered by the United States Department of Homeland Security, which requires a matching contribution of 5-percent, or $1,525 from the town. 
Half the grant would finance the acquisition of new exercise equipment and training fitness councilors while the balance would fund the purchase of a commercial washing machine and drying rack for cleaning uniforms and turnout gear.

At the time, the Selectmen of our town rightly questioned the need and agreed to table approval until a future meeting. That meeting is tomorrow morning. While this is happening out here in little old Gilford, NH, I can’t imagine we’re unique. How much money, are we in fact wasting, in the name of "homeland security"? Will my elected representatives take a stand and do what’s right? Maybe if EVERYBODY did so, we could fix some of this stuff… this waste that we all know takes place. A dollar here. A dollar there. Pretty soon, you’re talking real money.
Am I wrong to expect my Selectmen to give up "free" money from the Feds? Am I wrong to ask them to  do what’s right for taxpayers everywhere, even if it might not be what’s immediately best for my own hometown? I don’t think this classifies as homeland security. If we need it, then I’m sure the town would fund it. It doesn’t belong a federal expense. I believe in "truth in advertising." This is not homeland security.



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