“I implore you to maintain support for our troops and their mission…”





Antiwar peaceniks gathered for a "sit-in" at Sen.
Sununu’s Manchester office on April 10. (GG file photo)
With our US Senator John E. Sununu under "attack" by the peaceniks on TV and in his office for his support of the Iraqi war effort, there are a few folks out there that aren’t going to just sit by and watch. This letter is from the wife of one of our brave soldiers currently serving in Iraq. She writes about yesterday’s actions by the antiwar protesters where they used shoes (been there, done that) to symbolize Iraqi "victims" prior to their eventual arrest at the days end:
"I am disappointed by the protesters in Senator Sununu’s Office. It’s a shame that they feel the need to blaspheme a military tradition (placing of boots in memoriam) by using old sneakers and shoes to represent the number of Iraqi civilians killed..…..killed by whom? Our military? I hope not…..Sounds like shades of Vietnam to me.
Shouldn’t they be piling up shoes for the number of Iraqi lives saved by the removal of Saddam? Or better yet, for the number of Iraqis Saddam murdered. Will the protesters be keeping count of the number of Iraqis annihilated by the insurgents when we foolishly withdraw our soldiers before finishing the job?
Senator Sununu I implore you to maintain your support for our troops and their mission. We can only succeed with perseverance.
I support President Bush, Senator Sununu and our soldiers.
Proud wife of CPT Tony Gagnon, serving in Baghdad, Iraq
Dawn Gagnon
Manchester, NH


Sununu with moms



Sen. Sununu meets with military families April 16 (GG file photo)





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