How did I get myself into this? Well, I like to call it a Godincidence.
I’ve been writing Letters to the Editors for years on local, state and national subjects. One generated a call from Blue Star Mom Sue Peterson in response to my letter in support of her letter supporting the troops. Somehow, I became one of the Moms of Fury (we prefer Moms of Passion and/or Moms of Principal) and then was invited on the Meet The New Press radio show where I had the pleasure of meeting the “Dads of Distinction”, Doug, Skip and Patrick! I’ve been back on MTNP and now I’m really pleased that Doug and Skip have asked me to become a regular blogger (even though 6 months ago I had no idea what the heck’s a blogger was).
I grew up in Oklahoma City (yeah, I’m a cowgirl at heart) and moved to NH in 1980 via Texas, Alaska, Massachusetts and Ohio. Some might say that I had a hard childhood (details left unsaid) as the happiest day of my life was when I “escaped” to Texas in my 1962 Renault Dauphine packed with 2 boxes of everything I owned upon graduating from high school in 1968.
Jobs? First job was at 10 was as a newspaper carrier followed by babysitter, cafeteria bus girl, movie theater cashier, secretary for a dietician in a hospital, secretary for the Director of the FAA – all while still in high school holding a 4.0 GPA most of the time. I finally went to college at night (a lifelong dream) at 30 for Business Management while working at Wheelabrator-Frye’s corporate headquarters. Add: University of Alaska geology department, Alaska Rural School Project, positions at a major Columbus, OH law firm (legal secretary, bookkeeper, and office manager) during the Kent State Era. I’ve owned my own business, substitute taught and while raising children, worked for my husband (puts the purrr in entrepreneur) in various business ventures.
I met my hubby (former highly decorated U.S. Army Ranger Convoy Commander in Vietnam) on a blind date that neither of us wanted to go on and we’ve been happily and committed in marriage for 24 years. I’ve been privileged to have 2 beautiful step-daughters (now married with 4 grandchildren) and our son, Ryan was born in 1985.
Dick and I dropped out of “paying” work in 1988 (due to a true “calling”) and co-founded a non-profit, nondenominational ministry to support abuse survivors for 10 years. While we lived below the poverty level (but didn’t have a “poverty mentality”) all our basic needs were met, and we were more than rich in experiencing transformed lives through the power of the Holy Spirit.
I was somewhat of a class clown in high school. Loved athletics but had no outlet for it since I got kicked off the boys’ baseball and football teams I played on once the season started (pre-Title IV era don’t you know). That made me very mad (a lot of the boys too!) since I was one of the best players….hey, just ask me! Since our son “inherited” the natural athletic gene, we always played various sports while waiting for the school bus (great memories!). He found his athletic passion at 13 and became a very successful professional snowboarder at 16. He and I still love to ride together. When I turned 50, I started playing competitive tennis, skiing, motorcycling and recently have come full circle with owning, training and riding our own horses and loving living life. Since there are not too many 56 year old female snowboarders (started snowboarding and wakeboarding too!), I generally end up riding with a bunch of kids at the mountain and wakeboarding with my son and his friends who graciously don’t seem to mind that I’m really a senior citizen as long as I love to ride (or perhaps, it’s because I’m willing to put gas in the boat, hmmmm?).
Attitude? I suffered from a lot of discrimination as a girl from the “wrong side of the tracks.” and it showed at times but help develop my empathy for others in the same situation (I once beat up a couple of boys because they would pick on a mentally / physically challenged kid playing in his own yard when we walked home from school). It just wasn’t right in my heart so I did something about it. At 56, I’d probably still “punch out” someone under the “right” circumstances but now I try to fight the “good fight” with words and on the radio when the Dads Of Distinction invite me to share my thoughts and opinions.
In addition to writing, I love to talk (a lot) and share my opinions. I really don’t care whether people like me or not because of what I have to say. I’m an independent (but conservative) and pretty much believe in old fashioned morals and values.
Please feel free to drop me a line even if you disagree with me. While I’m not too stubborn and I’ll change my mind if you can give me a really good reason backed up with supportive documentation, be warned that I’m pretty passionate about what I believe in. I’m still a momma bear at heart so don’t mess with my friends or family!
Thanks guys for asking me to come onboard! You’re the best!