The extreme left in New Hampshire is united on issues like balloon fines, relaxed work-for-welfare requirements, civil unions, and revoking parental rights in cases of minors wanting to obtain an abortion (even though, by statute, those girls have been raped and we ought to crack down on the child molesters who impregnated them, but that’s the subject for another post, I suppose.) But when it comes to the singular issue in which the New Hampshire voters granted them a mandate to run the Granite State—a permanent fix regarding the school funding controversy—they don’t seem to be reading from the same, uh, textbook.
The NEA-NH is saying Nein! to Gov. John Lynch’s constitutional amendment relative to school funding, CACR 18, according to Tom Fahey. And NEA-NH president Karen McDonough is going to deploy the organization’s 16,000 political operatives teachers to pressure legislators to kill it. Not that it was ever likely to pass anyway.
And so again, not to be so redundant but this stuff needs to be drilled into the minds of voters, the Democrats promised us a progressive, permanent solution to the lingering school funding controversy. Instead they are giving us a radical agenda they didn’t mention once in their 2006 campaign. New Hampshire voters can never make this mistake again.