Our friend Judy Paris forwards the following in response to this letter appearing in the April 26th Concord Monitor. Yes, the battle over state sanctioned same-sex "unions" rages on…
In Response to Not a Religious Issue, Monitor, April 26
I have a commentary (Opposition to same-sex marriage does not equal hatred of homosexuals) printed in the April 26 Union Leader that Ms. Potter and others may find of interest..I’d also like to add that Ms. Potter’s views are nothing more than her opinion just like my views are my opinion. Let’s face it; most of us would rather be “right” than get along..The definition I find of “bullying” in the dictionary differs; i.e., “a person who hurts, frightens, threatens, or tyrannizes over those who are smaller or weaker.” I don’t know how Ms. Potter knows the condition of my heart (nor anyone else’s) as far as my motives, so it could be she’s being a bit presumptuous in her statements that some of us are out to “hurt” homosexuals or that they are smaller or weaker..If you look up the word respect it states: “deserve our admiration” and diversity means “difference.” We could argue all day from both points of view as to whether homosexuals (or anybody else for that matter) “deserve” admiration. There would be adamant opinions on both sides.
While she’s “wary of those who use religion in their ‘defense’ (justification or support) of discrimination” (to “distinguish or observe the difference between”), and I’m wary of her quoting scriptures out of context to support her position that some Christians’ quote scriptures to “justify their intolerance.” First of all, she’s taken all of her scripture quotes out of the entire context of the Bible (e.g., see my reference in the “Union Leader” regarding children) and at best doesn’t understand the difference between Old Testament (simplistically put, some scriptures are a historical reference) and New Testament scripture, etc. At worst, she’s manipulating and misusing scripture to support her position and place blame merely because everyone doesn’t agree with her. She is obviously not a biblical scholar (nor do I profess to be) or theologian and should perhaps stick to her 30-years of experience in secular teaching and leave something she does not have much knowledge about to others who do..Also, the definition of intolerance could more easily apply to her; i.e., “lack of tolerance, especially in matters of religion.”.In truth, just because she thinks the civil union bill is not a moral issue does not mean that everyone else agrees with her. Many people believe it has a lot to do with morality. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, and perhaps we all need to stop confusing our opinions with being absolutely right or wrong..I do agree with her that it’s about granting equal legal protections and responsibilities but since it only applies to same-sex couples and not to any two-people living together, it is giving preference to a small percentage of NH’s population and therefore discriminates against all other two-people living together other than married couples. So homosexual’s who profess about being discriminated against will now be ok being discriminators against many others because they now have what they want?
Yes, there will likely be a “backlash from citizens” especially during the next election depending on who voted for or against the civil union bill and other legislation that has taken the focus off of what’s more important to many NH citizens..I don’t think anybody’s changing anybody’s mind on the issue because all of us have to be willing and open to changing our mind on this or any other issue. It seems like most of us have made up our minds as to where we stand, many of whom haven’t done an ounce of their own research on this or much of anything else..Let’s move on to the “realistic” people (some of whom believe everything they read or hear in the left-wing media but have never done any of their own research) who hate President Bush (some just because it’s the “popular” thing to do and those outstanding Hollywood role models say so too!) more than the President of Iran (who supports terrorists and wants to kill Americans) for a more perplexing debate!.Oh yeah, don’t forget to use only one square of toilet paper because Sheryl Crow says so and the “alarmists” have moved onto Global Warming as their new God of self from last year’s crises…hmmm, sorry I forget what it was. Am I a “victim” or is it that people with no rudder just seem to move too fast from one thing to the next and are too accepting of what they’re told partly because of who tells it to them? I’ll have to do my research and get back to you..Can I hitch a ride on your jet Mr. Gore so I can save on my gas and do my part to save on those dreaded carbon emissions? It’s keeping me awake at night with worry..It’s a very scary world in la, la land out there.