Meet the New Press- Today at 11AM

Once again, we have a busy show put together for today. Among the topics we will discuss will be:
  • A 16% increase in the state budget!? Republican State Rep. Bill Tobin will fill us in on the details.
  • The "Moms of Fury" hit the road this week and joined a peacenik "sit-in" at Sen. Sununu’s Manchester office. GraniteGrok was there.
  • Also, we got a huge amount of traffic over the past weekend, thanks to the "Moms of Fury" YouTube. We’ll talk about what that was like.
  • Hugh Hewitt will join us to discuss his new book, "A Mormon in the White House? What every American should know about Mitt Romney". We’ll also talk about his recent interview piece about 30 books your college freshman should have read by the end of their freshman year— if you’re getting your money’s worth.
  • Civil Unions in NH? The "fast track" seems to have derailed. Could Gov. Lynch have something to do with it? Karen Testerman of Cornerstone Policy Research joins us. If you read the papers, you know she’s leading the counter-charge against the onslaught against family values in NH.
  • Techie talk with Skip– We’re running a test this week for the livestreaming!
It all starts at 11 AM today on Newstalk 1490 WEMJ. If you’re not in the Central NH broadcast area, check it out later on the MTNP Podcast page. Starting next week, if all goes well, you’ll be able to listen anywhere you have a computer and an Internet connection.


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