Democrats: “Fixing” the Granite State


“This is the number one issue for us as we move forward.”

NH Democratic Party Chair Ray Buckley

Those were the words of NH party chair Ray Buckley at the April 14th meeting of the Belknap County Democrats. What was he referring to? Property taxes? The state budget? Perhaps something to do with the environment? Was he talking about protecting children against predators? How about improving education in general? No, we could only wish that one of these matters was what Chairman Buckley was speaking about at the crowded meeting featuring presidential aspirant Joe Biden. No, what Buckley was referring to, accompanied by thunderous cheers from the attendees, was civil unions.

That’s right—the newly-minted leader of the majority party here in the Granite State has declared this to be the burning issue of our time. Even though I was at a meeting of Democrats and knew that I would hear much that I would disagree with, watching those gathered so loudly and excitedly cheering and applauding for this new special right for same-sex couples was disconcerting.
Following the chairman’s pep-talk rallying the forces in favor of state-sanctioned homosexual relationships, state representative Gail Morrison produced a petition for all to sign urging Gov. Lynch to support the measure. I thought someone was going to get hurt in the ensuing stampede of those wanting to sign. My wife and I, in attendance to hear Sen. Biden, were incredulous at the spectacle. While we knew that Democrats were favorable to this matter, we had no idea of the extent and depth of the support.
Is this what voters bargained for when they chose Democrats to run our state? Do Joe and Jane Sixpack really believe that New Hampshire should be one of a small handful of states that officially recognizes gay relationships? Do you agree that it is the single, most important issue facing the state as we move forward? When voting back in November, were you thinking that we just have to fix this unfair situation in which men can’t marry their boyfriends or girls can’t legalize their relationship with their same-gendered “partner”? Me neither. Yet, here we are.

While “civil unions” has been the top priority for the Democrats and their adherents, unfortunately they have saved some enthusiasm for other causes as well. After all, when setting out to destroy a state and society as we know it, one needs to engage in a multi-fronted assault. Consider our esteemed state senator Kathleen Sgambati. In addition to enthusiastically supporting civil unions, she has raised another matter that undoubtedly you, like me, didn’t know needed “fixing”: welfare.
An innocuous article appearing inside the April 16th Daily Sun told the story.
“Senate Democrats voted as a unit last week to make it easier for single parents, most of them women, to keep drawing state welfare checks. Senate bill 226, co-sponsored by Senator Kathy Sgambati (D-Tilton) passed in a 14-10 party line roll call and moves to the house.”
As the Nation continues to tighten up its welfare rules, NH goes in the opposite direction. Who called on our senator to promote this legislation? Oh, that’s right—she’s a Democrat. This is what they do- take money from me and you, and give it to someone who “needs” it more.
My state Senator, Kathy Sgambati
Again from the article in the Daily Sun:
“The legislation gives bureaucrats more leeway to meet some high federal standards imposed last year. It also buffers the toughest features of the new welfare reform rules at the state and federal levels to wean people from the public dole and make them support themselves.”
Heavens no, we couldn’t have that, now could we? Why teach people to fish when we can take somebody else’s fish and simply give it to them?
Add to civil unions and welfare “reform” the criminalization of helium-balloon releases, mandatory seat belts, and a symbolic vote to immediately withdraw from the Iraqi front in the new world war against Islamo-fascism and what do we have? A state that is radically different than what it was less than six months ago. Let’s not forget the removal of parental rights to be notified of a minor daughter’s murder of their grandchild in the womb, either.
Following civil unions will be gay adoption. Again here’s our state senator Kathy Sgambati on the topic, as reported in an April 14th Daily Sun article about a recent trip by members of the Laconia High School Gay/Straight Alliance to the state capitol. In a visit with the senator, she
“assured the group that she supported civil unions as well as legislation that protects the rights of gays and lesbians to adopt children and serve as foster parents. Her years of experience at the NH Department of Health and Human Services, she recalled, which included supporting the well-being of families and children, had introduced her to many gays and lesbians who had proved to be outstanding parents. ‘And there are many heterosexuals who are not good parents,’ she said, noting that sexual orientation has nothing to do with parenting skills.’”

Surely this is not your grandfather’s Democratic Party. I firmly believe that if more regular folks, especially those who voted Democrat because they were mad at the Republicans, knew what was actually going on at the ground level of that party and thought about the fundamental changes taking place in the Granite State as a result, would have voted differently. Unfortunately, the GOP gave little reason for voters to choose them. So far, I don’t see much changing in that regard.


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