April 9th- An anniversary we musn’t forget about.

Today is the third anniversary of the capture of SSG. Matt Maupin.
Writes NH Blue Star Mother Sue Peterson:
To my friends…
Following is a link that I would like you to visit.  It is the link to Matt’s parents’ web site www.yellowribbonsupportcenter.com.

I had remembered slightly about a soldier that was captured and either a POW/MIA.  This information was stored way in the back of my mind…I am sorry to say.   After becoming a Blue Star Mom, I went to the National BSM’s website and clicked on POW/MIA and read about the numbers that are still missing.  I went to the parents’ website and was moved to tears to think that as a Mom I could "forget" a son that was a POW/MIA.  I emailed Keith, the father of Matt, and told him I was sorry and that I would never forget Matt or the others.  Keith told me about Bob Jones, Laconia, (NH) that has a vigil for the POW/MIA’s every Thursday (no matter the weather).  So, my friendship with Bob began.  This gives you a little background on how I came to know more about Matt and the others.
The purpose of this email is to ask that you please send his parents a note to that says you will not forget Matt – it will be 3 years ago on Monday, 4-9-07 – that they had no more contact with their son.  (He was captured on 4-9-04).  Those of us that are parents, we never give up hope and as a Mom of a soldier serving in Iraq, I cannot even imagine being a parent of one of these men…again, please do not forget them – UNTIL THEY ALL COME HOME….we need to help the families of these soldiers.
I pray that your message to his parents will bless them and let them know that they are not alone and that, here in New Hampshire, Matt will not be forgotten.
God bless you all…please feel free to pass this on to others…thank you.


"Should we feel at times disheartened and discouraged, a simple movement of the heart toward God will renew our powers.  Whatever He may demand of us, He will give us at the moment the strength and courage that we need".   


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