Nothing stops these Moms!

As AlGore’s environmental acolytes marched through a March 17th snowstorm in protest of global-warming, another group of dedicated people braved the elements in the name of a far more worthy and important cause.

The Blue and Gold Star Mothers of NH’s "Gathering of Mothers Who are Supporting the Gathering of Eagles in D.C." went off as planned despite the late winter blizzard. Joined by members of the Northeast Network POW/MIA and Rolling Thunder, they recited the Pledge of Allegiance, sang patriotic songs, and marched in solidarity with the DC gathering, as well as in support of our troops to victory. Writes Susan Peterson,
Despite the cold, we had a great turnout for the Blue Star and Gold Star Moms Supporting our Troops to Victory – we stood in Concord for those that were in Washington DC – Eagles – Past, Present, and Future.  To all of you that got the word out through print, radio, etc. – Thank You!!!   For those that wanted to be there but could not because of weather – you were missed, but we know wherever you were you were "standing with us".  Thank you again for all your support and prayers….it is people like all of you that know the importance of what our sons, husbands, daughters, mothers, etc. are doing to keep us safer.  May GOD bless them and America.
Click the hyperlink below to view more pics of the event. Great job guys! May God bless our troops and their families and bring them home safe.
BTW, reports are there wasn’t a peacenik or antiwar type anywhere in sight.



VietNam vets join Blue and Gold Star Mothers in prayer during snowstorm rally in Concord, NH


Rally organizer and Blue Star Mothers of NH leader Karen Thurston addresses the group gathered at the March 17th statehouse event.


Blue Star Mothers Karen Thurston and Karen Testerman are joined by a shaggy friend. None of them look too bothered by the somewhat nasty weather.


Gold Star Mother Natalie Healey shares a moment with Blue Star Karen Testerman


Bob Jones (POW/MIA jacket) of the Northeast Network POW/MIA welcomes members of Rolling Thunder to snowy Concord


What more can one say?



Imagine being a soldier far away in the desert and seeing this? How can it NOT brighten their day?



The group gathers in support of the Gathering of Eagles in DC, our brave troops, and those who are POW and/or MIA.



Bob Jones and friend reminding everyone that we must NEVER, EVER forget or give up on those who haven’t returned…

Click here to visit Michelle Malkin’s blog for complete coverage and pictures of the Gathering of Eagles event in DC.





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