I think one of the greatest things about America today is that, despite how bad things may seem with regards to the war, and the supposed diminished support here at home, there are large numbers of people who are totally committed to never having what happened to our troops fighting the Viet Nam war happen again. Never again will we allow our returning heroes to be spat upon and treated with disrepect. This time, patriotic Americans WILL NOT sit around idly by and watch such things happen.
C.J. Raven reports in the US Veterans Dispatch about an upcoming event, and plans to defend the honor of our best and bravest who gave the ultimate sacrifice in that unpleasant war over thirty years ago. Their surviving comrades might have been mistreated at the time, but no more…
Leftist activists who march to the Pentagon next month will discover that their path won’t be as clear as it has been in the past.The group, led by Cindy Sheehan, Jane Fonda, Ramsey Clark and their ilk, plan to gather March 17 at the Vietnam Memorial Wall to begin a march to protest America’s involvement in the Iraq war. The date marks the fourth anniversary of the war’s beginning.This time, however, protestors will see objectors if they spit on Iraqi veterans again, or throw paint on a war memorial. This time, they will encounter a buzz saw of Vietnam veterans and supporters who will gather to protect the Wall, and show their support for U.S. troops. The counter-protestors are calling themselves the Gathering of Eagles.
"… An eagle knows when a storm is approaching long before it breaks. The eagle will fly to some high spot and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, it sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. While the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring above it."An unknown author wrote that description, but it describes how the veterans see their mission. They are angry that the Wall is being used as a jumping off point for a political protest and they are gathering to protect it from another storm of anti-war activists.
Click here to read the entire article about the event. I have long held the belief that if the silent majority had put up some sort of fight against the sixties radicalism and craziness as perpetrated by the youth of that era, America would be a very different place today. Perhaps our morals and values would not be as far in decline as they are. It is great to watch my fellow citizens fighting back this time against the latest onslaught on our troops, and our way of life.
(H/T Karen T, who won’t let ANYONE forget!)