Last night in a local town (Gilford) budget meeting, we learned that the NH State Police have bought approximately 40 Dodge Charger police cars. We further learned that they were unable to purchase them in the correct color, so they got them in black and repainted them. Can anybody out there tell me what private sector business would do such a thing?
I dunno, am I wrong to ponder such things? As we are faced with Democrat-run government from the top to the bottom and their penchant for social-program spending, is it a good idea to look at stuff like 40 paint-jobs on 40 vehicles that cost an average, so we were told, of $3700 more to outfit than the venerable Crown-Vics? And naturally, the "cutting edge" town I live in wanted to be one of the first local departments to get this spiffy new toy. "Yeah- It’s got a Hemi…"
"Oh Doug, there you go. That’s all you conservatives care about- the money. Just shut up and pay…"
$3700 x 40= $148,000 extra new equipment- bars, cage, new light/radio mounts, etc.
$2000 x 40 = $80,000 my estimated cost to paint cars brown
Total extra cost to NH taxpayers= $228,000