As one looks over the "lay of the land" regarding the new world war with Islamic fascism from a "big picture" perspective, things are pretty scary. On the left column of this blog under the "Islamic World" heading is a link to MEMRI– the Middle-East Media Research Institute. This group monitors the websites, TV programs, newspapers and all other media in the Islamic world and translates them into English so that a reader can read original source material as consumed by their people. Currently MEMRI’s front page features its website watch project. Additionally, you can click on news about various countries in the Islamic world. Consider the following headlines from the page about Iran:
Special Dispatch Series – No. 1360 – Iran, November 17, 2006
Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps Commander Yahya Safavi on Iranian TV: ‘The Americans Have Many Weaknesses’; ‘We Have Planned Our Strategy Precisely on the Basis of Their Strengths and Weaknesses’; U.S. Forces in Iraq ‘Are Very Cowardly’; ‘We Never Reveal All Our Cards to the Enemy’Special Dispatch Series – No. 1357 – Iran, November 15, 2006
Qods (Jerusalem) Day in Iran: ‘The Nation of Muslims Must Prepare for the Great War So As to Completely Wipe Out the Zionist Regime and to Remove This Cancerous Growth’Special Dispatch Series – No. 1355 – Iran, November 10, 2006
Iranian TV Drama ‘Guantanamo’. How Abu Ghuraib Photos were Made PublicSpecial Dispatch Series – No. 1354 – Iran, November 10, 2006
U.S., U.K. Soldiers Captured by Iran in 2004 Shown on New Iranian TV Documentary: Iranian Naval Official Explains ‘America is Not a Superpower’ and Calls Captured U.S. Marines CowardsSpecial Dispatch Series – No. 1353 – Iran, November 10, 2006
Iranian Daily Calls for France’s Expulsion from Iran’s Economic MarketsSpecial Dispatch Series – No. 1347 – Iran, November 7, 2006
Sunni Islamists Websites in Iraq Claim Iranian Top-Secret Document Reveals Iran/Al-Qaeda Contacts Months Before 9/11Special Dispatch Series – No. 1337 – Iran, October 27, 2006
Iranian President Ahmadinejad: The West Should Pick Up the Zionist Regime ‘By the Arms and Legs’ and Remove It from the Region; U.N. Resolutions Are Illegitimate; America & England are Enemies of the Iranian NationSpecial Dispatch Series – No. 1328 – Iran, October 19, 2006
Iran President Ahmadinejad: ‘I Have a Connection With God, Since God Said That the Infidels Will Have No Way to Harm the Believers’; ‘We Have [Only] One Step Remaining Before We Attain the Summit of Nuclear Technology’; The West ‘Will Not Dare To Attack Us’
Did you get the last part? What does having "peaceful" nuclear power, as they claim they desire, have to do with the West attacking, or deterring such an attack? Nuclear power plants aren’t defensive weapons, are they? "America and England are enemies of the Iranian nation." Do our leaders admit that the Iranians are our sworn enemies? Of course not. That is why it’s so difficult to convey to Americans the gravity of the situation.
So, what are we to do? Joshua Muravchik, a resident scholar from the American Enterprise Institute, writing in the LA Times has the answer:
Bomb Iran.
Read the whole piece. Unfortunately, I think he’s right. The alternative is a nightmarish world in which we all face west 5 times a day and praise Allah…
"Oh Doug, lighten up!" Not me. I refuse to "submit"… "But Doug, Bush CAN’T do that now, anyway. Not with the Dems in power." Au contraire…
Again, from Joshua Muravchik, writing November 1st:
Make no mistake, President Bush will need to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities before leaving office. It is all but inconceivable that Iran will accept any peaceful inducements to abandon its drive for the bomb. Its rulers are religio-ideological fanatics who will not trade what they believe is their birthright to great power status for a mess of pottage. Even if things in Iraq get better, a nuclear-armed Iran will negate any progress there. Nothing will embolden terrorists and jihadists more than a nuclear-armed Iran.
The global thunder against Bush when he pulls the trigger will be deafening, and it will have many echoes at home. It will be an injection of steroids for organizations such as We need to pave the way intellectually now and be prepared to defend the action when it comes. In particular, we need to help people envision what the world would look like with a nuclear-armed Iran. Apart from the dangers of a direct attack on Israel or a suitcase bomb in Washington, it would mean the end of the global nonproliferation regime and the beginning of Iranian dominance in the Middle East.
"We must bomb Iran." He really did say that, didn’t he? Yes he did.